Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

daring outdoor nudity :)

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i guess since im this groups moderator, i may as well share some daring stuff i did the last couple years lol..one day in broad daylight, i driven from my house to town and back completely nude. i laid in a friends back yard nude for a tan and didnt care who saw..another day i convinced a friend of mines mother to go nude with me at a lake and she turned out enjoying it, so i guess i converted her...but the craziest ive done?? took my clothes off at work when nobody was around...that was truly a thrill lol

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Daring Outdoor nudity :-)

As londosun says, nudism outside is the most liberating activity you can do. The most recent was in NEW ZEALAND atop a dead volcano Rangitoto near Auckland . We waited till the last of the ferry walkers had returned to the ferry and hoped no late walkers would arrive! Walked around the summit nude. Took lots of photo. Exhilarating.

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RE: Daring Outdoor nudity :-)

We are currently in a hotel on a golf course. The hotel was thinking of people like us; there is a large pot with a plant on the balcony overlooking the tee box. We arranged the chairs on the balcony, behind the large plant and can sit out there naked and watch the golfers tee off. We did that for a couple hours. Several of the guys and gals just looked up, smiled and waved. Either they saw and didn't care but I think they just saw our heads and gave us a wave.
I'll be out there tomorrow morning with my coffee! :D

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RE: Daring Outdoor nudity :-)

Enjoying my first cup of coffee in the morning ... sitting on the hotel balcony, overlooking the golf course tee box, sitting naked and waving at the several foursomes that have already tee'd off and driven by!
It's cool out but still feels great to be outside and naked and so close to others in their textile environment and not really being seen. ;-)

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

I have a small airplane, and for various reasons haven't been able to go fly it for a while. I went to the airport yesterday just to check on it and make sure it was doing OK. The airport was almost deserted, so I took advantage of the opportunity to get some nude photos with the plane. While I was sitting in the cockpit, a pickup truck drove past - I just pulled the door closed until he had passed.

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

I just walked across the street to pick up the mail while nude. We
have a group mail box across the street from the house. It was 5:30
am and just starting to get light. I grabbed the key, went outside,
peeked up and down the street, no cars or people, then I walked
down the driveway and across the street to the mailbox. I opened
the box, got the mail, then walked back home. Mission accomplished.
It was only 4C.

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

I'm on a dares website which includes a lot of outdoor nude dares.
Mostly they are in the countryside or in woods. Here are two which
I did recently, each different from the other.

In the first I hid my car key some distance from my car. Then I
stripped offlocking all my clothes in the car. So there I
was: naked, locked out and some distance from home. I had to go
find the key I had hidden. After that I just got in my car, still
naked, and drove home.

The other was more daring, with risks reduced by doing it very
early in the morning. I stripped naked in the main city centre car
park and did a circuit or the car park. Somehow that didn't seam
enough. So I moved on to the second car park and took in a length
of the main shopping street. OK there were not many people around
that early in the morning - just some workmen and someone I could
hear walking behind me. Afterwards I remembered thatthe
areais covered by CCTV.

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RE: Daring Outdoor nudity :-)

I'm with my Julia, these are great stories and lots of fun to read.

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

I managed to make a short video of moving the car off the drive to allow the builders access this morning.
It can be viewed athttps://vimeo.com/165402163

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

I managed to make a short video of moving the car off the drive to allow the builders access this morning.It can be viewed athttps://vimeo.com/165402163great job. I did notice it looks like you wore your seatbelt even for that short drive. I have found myself doing that while wearing nothing else even to move my car in my own driveway. Did you also move the car back while in the buff? And were you bare for the contractor once he got there? Keep up the streaks and keep the camera rolling.

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

This morning after cleaning up dogs messes in backyard, I forgot it is trash day and as I put the cans to the curb last night, I walked naked to the curb, put trash in bin and strolled back up driveway to retrieve morning newspaper to return to house. My curb is about 30 meters from house and it's broad daylight. GREAT fun!

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