Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

daring outdoor nudity :)

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i guess since im this groups moderator, i may as well share some daring stuff i did the last couple years lol..one day in broad daylight, i driven from my house to town and back completely nude. i laid in a friends back yard nude for a tan and didnt care who saw..another day i convinced a friend of mines mother to go nude with me at a lake and she turned out enjoying it, so i guess i converted her...but the craziest ive done?? took my clothes off at work when nobody was around...that was truly a thrill lol

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

Missed out : Saturday I was up my sister inlaws painting a different color on her outside doors 4 of them I have 2 sisters inlaws one knows I am a nudist but never seen me and the other does not , the both spend the weekends together , it was a hot day when they got back to the house the one when in and the other one said she hoped they find me painting nude I said I thought about it but was not sure if the other one would be upset , going back up today to finish

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

Yesterday evening after cutting the road side grass and the grass at the start of a track way between next door and where I live with shorts on I cut the rest of the track way nude without been seen by the lady next door but she knows I am a nudist even though she hasn't seen me nude yet and then the front lawn which is 80% screened from the road with the back lawn which I have cut nude before so about 95% of the lawn cutting was nude. So looking forward to doing this next time.

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

We are currently out of town and on a mini vacation with textile friends. We are staying at a favorite hotel and have been coming here for 17 years. This is the first time we've had this type of room and it over looks parking lots with the bay in the background. We're on the second floor of a two story hotel. We have a balcony but there are others and they are fairly close to one another.
We sat in our suite last night after dinner and talked til midnight. Once our friends left ... we stripped and our skin began to breath. I took full advantage of the units on both sides of us not being occupied which gave me added distance between our balcony and the others of occupied units. I walked out on the balcony and stood in the cool night air. I watched cars drive by, people walk by on the side walk and through the parking lot ... not sure if they even looked up toward my direction but it sure felt great to just be me/us and enjoy our nude life, even away from home. We've scoped out a few other rooms that will lend themselves better to being naked on the balcony for future visits and even saw a couple of other hotels down the street that had much more private balconies with privacy walls between balconies ... my wife even said ... "hell, I'll hang out naked on one of those balconies!"
We're both sitting with the sliding shutters on the sliding glass door out to the balcony, wide open, got a great view of the bay and waiting til the last minute before we get dressed and head out to explore more of this city.

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

I've done the usual things like driving and walking naked for hours. my last drive was 300km from Lisbon to the Algarve and then to near Sagres. The lady in the toll booth was surprised. But the most fun thing I did was on Monday. On passing a charityclothes bank in the public car park I stripped off and put all my clothes in the clothes bank. A passing couple commented and my friend said I should have washed them first..That is a great one to do! It would be cool to start a trend of doing that for charity, like the ice bucket challenge and such.

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

Not very daring and ... probably a bit dumb but ...
A buddy and I played golf today. I picked him up and we headed over to the golf course. I'd driven over to his house naked and slipped on my shorts and golf shirt just before pulling up to his curb. I got out and slipped on my sneakers and met him in his garage. He loaded his clubs in the car and off we went.
We arrived at the course parking lot and began unloading our golf bags. I needed to complete getting dressed. I needed to tuck in my shirt and put a belt of my shorts. I did a quick scan of the parking lot and saw that the coast was clear. I unbuttoned, unzipped my shorts and let them fall to my knees. My butt was fully exposed but I was between two cars, mine and the one next to it. I straightened my shirt and then pulled up my shorts, buttoned them and began putting on the belt when a guy walks around the car, next to mine, and we talk for a few seconds and he gets in the car and begins pulling out of the parking spot. I glance over and there's a woman sitting in the passenger seat of the car. I'd just mooned the woman ... and I look at her, she looks at me and gives me a thumbs up and is chuckling. She's talking to the guy and he looks at me and starts to laugh and gives me a thumbs up!
I didn't know she was there but glad she wasn't an idiot and make a scene or say something negative to me about it.

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

Got to do a little naked trail hiking this last weekend at a state park where we were camping. Haven't done that in quite a while.
The first morning I walked to the trailhead near the campsite, and when I was far away from there took off my shorts and walked short distances, fearful that any second now I would see someone coming around a bend in the trail.
Around noon, I was driving around the park where there was a parking lot with only signs for a duck blind. It was a small lot with a loop of road and a short trail. I left my clothes in the car and walked out to the duck blind and back. I would only be visible to the road for about a 20-yard stretch, only if they were looking directly that way. I saw nobody, and nobody saw me, but got my heart racing.
I went back to the original trailhead evening and took a different branch which which ended up with an outlet to the main road, where I watched cars go by at a distance. I walked most of a half mile back without getting dressed... still nervous.
The second morning I was awake early and went back to the same route, carrying my shorts as soon as I was out of sight of the trailhead. When I got to the road, I waited until there were no cars visible, and streaked across the corner and back, then back to the trailhead before getting dressed. Best hike I've had in years.
I think it was too hot and humid for most people to do any hiking: in the cooler hunting season I don't think I'd dare.

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RE:daring outdoor nudity :)

I lay out to tan in the nude all the time why do the call it "Sunday Bathing" ? Do you bathe with clothes on ?

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RE:daring outdoor nudity :)

I lay out to tan in the nude all the time why do the call it "Sun Bathing" ? Do you bathe with clothes on ?

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RE:daring outdoor nudity :)

It's the difference between "Sun Bathing" and "Water Bathing". You're covering your body in the sun rather than water. Benjamin Franklin used to take "Air Baths" - spending time naked indoors.

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RE:daring outdoor nudity :)

Did a beach stroll recently where one's not supposed to be naked. Got me a dose of sunlight and played with mudskippers. I scampered away when a local fisherman got too close for comfort. Didn't see me though, I was hidden in the mangroves. Next day, I read in the news that the beach was hit by high tide the day before.

My profile photo was taken on a non nudist beach during August Saturday from the edge of one seaside town past a small seaside area to a seaside village which was about 4 miles and with the tide out and a cooler day the few people on the beach none was close enough to see me nude.

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