Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

daring outdoor nudity :)

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i guess since im this groups moderator, i may as well share some daring stuff i did the last couple years lol..one day in broad daylight, i driven from my house to town and back completely nude. i laid in a friends back yard nude for a tan and didnt care who saw..another day i convinced a friend of mines mother to go nude with me at a lake and she turned out enjoying it, so i guess i converted her...but the craziest ive done?? took my clothes off at work when nobody was around...that was truly a thrill lol

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

Just got to a hotel tonight and went to the hot tub/pool. It was around midnight so no one was there. I took my shorts off and put them far away so i wasn't tempted to play it "safe". I swam in the pool for about 20 min. Then got in the hot tub for another 20 min. It wasn't until I decided to get out that someone finally came by and I quickly put a towel around me and walked back to the room with just the towel. Once I got to my floor I removed the towel and walked down the hall to my room. Maybe not so daring but I'm a new nudist and it was daring enough for me. Tomorrow I'm going to try somehow and sun bathe nude on one of the pool chairs. Gonna be exciting?

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

I guess you could call what I did, last night, daring. Returned home from a trip to visit and stay with nudist friends. Upon returning to So Cal, we went and visited my dad for a few hours. Afterwards, we got in the car and I stripped and drove home naked. When we got home, I parked the car in such a way where I could exit the car naked, unload it and not be seen by passing cars or the neighbor across the street that was up and had sight of the front of our house.
I easily got out of the car naked and took my clothes into the house to the laundry room. I returned to the car, unloaded the suitcases, backpacks and a few items my dad gave me. The only light on was the garage door opener light and I was able to do it all and not be seen. That may not be daring enough for this group but ... it's as daring as I am willing to push it. :D

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

haii....Nudism is NOT about seeing or being seen. It's about de-stressing, relaxing, and returning to innocence.It's about accepting yourself and others for who you are, how you act, and what you say, rather than what you look like, wear, or own.It's simply the feel-good feeling of the air, water on you without the constriction of clothing.Check

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

I've driven nude across the state of Kentucky, from Louisville to my hometown of Princeton. I only covered when a bus or truck passed me. I've also been nude in a city park, with not one around. I like to get naked when it's not expected but not in a way that will shock people or where I will be seen by children. I often get the morning paper off the stoop naked. Definite show off here.

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

My daring outdoor nudity has it's limits depending on time of day. We had friends over the other night and like anytime you have company coming, it seems you do a little extra to the house and this time was no exception. My wife asked me to clean up the porch area and I got a little carried away. I broke out my pressure washer and went to town on the porch, glider, everything out there.
We had a nice visit with friends. After they all left, it was still in the mid 80's outside with a slight breeze. We'd just finished putting all the food away, put away all the extra chairs and table, cleaned up after our company and I was hot. I went in and took a shower and then told my wife I was headed out front to the porch. I turned off the porch light and sat on the glider naked. It was about 10:30 pm and there were a few people that walked by but they were about 75 ft away. The porch as dark enough that I could sit out there and I couldn't be seen that clearly. That's about as daring as I'll get and it still depends on time of day and activity level of our cul de sac. :D

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

I have been doing a lot of driving nude lately. It's more comfortable and to a certain degree has a higher degree of risk involved. Especially around the more populated areas I drive thru. I try to avoid overdoing it. But occasionally I will push the envelope so to speak. So far, I don't think anyone has seen anything. If they have, they either didn't care or just not sure if it really was the case. I do drive a 4x4 truck with windows tinted. So I feel comfortable driving in the buff. On the occasion where I push the envelope though, I will roll the windows down and just drive. Of course I still try to avoid being seen. But that is about as daring as I have taken it more recently.
Well actually that's not totally true. I have my truck parked outside behind the garage. On the warmer days, very early morning, I may not even waste time getting dressed. Just pack the clothes in a bag and head out to the truck. That's very rare. And I try to be aware of my surroundings before I do that. Still fun to do, no matter the risks. Just need to be careful.
In late evenings, after dark, I do pull out the telescope in the backyard, (fenced in). But I don't consider that daring. Nobody really around when I'm doing that. And they really aren't aware at that time.

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

i guess since im this groups moderator, i may as well share some daring stuff i did the last couple years lol..one day in broad daylight, i driven from my house to town and back completely nude. i laid in a friends back yard nude for a tan and didnt care who saw..another day i convinced a friend of mines mother to go nude with me at a lake and she turned out enjoying it, so i guess i converted her...but the craziest ive done?? took my clothes off at work when nobody was around...that was truly a thrill lolWe have been watering our plants in our front open porch at night. It was daring.

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

I just spent two weeks hiking naked every day - first in Austria, then in Wales. Photos coming later.
Then I drove home naked door to door from Wales - a four hour 200 mile journey.

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

I guess this is daring.
I have been nude at work after hours many times. not just at my current job but the three previous jobs as well, so I do not really consider that vary daring.
What is daring is what I have been doing the last few weeks.
I work in the Santa Clarita area of Southern California and it has been in the 90's and low 100's for more than two weeks now.
Our business is a wholesale/retail hardware store located in an industrial area so there is not a lot of foot traffic other than those who work in the other units in our building and those coming to us to buy hardware. Most of my customers are cabinet shops and contractors with the occasional homeowner looking for some hard to find cabinet hardware.
We close at 5:00 and normally by 5:15 after I close and lock the doors I am nude.
Last week (7/21 to 7/25/14) I have actually been working nude about the last hour before closing.
Since most of my customers come in for items they have ordered in advance I can be fairly confident that no one will be coming in at the last minuet. Also from my work station I have a view of the parking lot straight out the bay door (of course I can be seen from the lot as well but when I am sitting down you can not tell that I am nude) which gives me time to slip on my shorts and shirt before they come in.
That was the case on Friday but this customer came walking in from one of the other businesses in our building and was standing in front of my before I realized it.
Fortunately I had talked to him in the past about being a nudist so it was no big deal. In fact he is also a nudist though not to the same degree that I am. He picked up the hinges he needed and we talked for a few minuets and then he returned to his shop.
I have always wanted to help a customer while I was nude and now I have finally had an opportunity to do so.
The fact that it was a fellow nudist made it that much better.
I can not figure out how to add pictures to the post so I will add some pictures to the group of my work area so you can get an idea of what it is like here.

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

This is a followup on my last post.
As I wrote I have been working after hours nude at my last four jobs, that is for more than 30 years, and in all that time I was never seen nude until last Friday.
This past Monday (7/28/14) I was working late so of course I was nude. Since it has been so hot I did not close the bay door nor the small entry door but as everyone else was gone it was no big deal.
It was after 5:30 and I was working on my computer which is located off to the side of the main work area. I can not see the parking from there but figured I would hear anyone coming into the lot. I had just stood up to get something from my work station when in walked one of my customers.
Unlike Monday, this customer did not know that I am a nudist and normally work after hours nude.
Naturally we were both a little surprised. Normally I keep my shorts close at hand in case of situations like this but due to the time I had already packed everything into my backpack. The first thing he said was are you naked to which I naturally said yes.
He than offered to come back tomorrow but I told him that was OK and that if he was uncomfortable to give me a minute to put my shorts. on.
Much to my surprise he said that was not necessary and my nudity did not bother him. The reason he was there was he had come back to his shop late and when he saw my door still open he decided to come on in to pay for some items his employee had picked up earlier in the day.
Since I was already closed this meant going into the back office to turn on the computer, then turn on my work station computer, prepare the invoice, take and run his credit card, get his signature and than give him his copies all while nude.
Unlike Friday when it was just a simple transaction with a fellow nudist. This really was helping a customer
while nude. As he was leaving I thanked him for allowing me to stay nude. He said it was no big deal.
Then as he was going out the door he called back and said he was not referring to anything to do with my appearance just the circumstances.

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