Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

daring outdoor nudity :)

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i guess since im this groups moderator, i may as well share some daring stuff i did the last couple years lol..one day in broad daylight, i driven from my house to town and back completely nude. i laid in a friends back yard nude for a tan and didnt care who saw..another day i convinced a friend of mines mother to go nude with me at a lake and she turned out enjoying it, so i guess i converted her...but the craziest ive done?? took my clothes off at work when nobody was around...that was truly a thrill lol

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RE: Nudisthookup

I don't think it's so much "daring" as it is knowing what you're able to do or get away with, without exposing yourself to neighbors. I've unloaded our cars, worked in the garage with the garage door open, gone out to get something from the car in the driveway or on the street ... all done in the nude and never been caught ... why?, because I don't want to get caught or be seen.
Many times I'll do these things very late at night or in the very early mornings. Knowing your neighbor's routines is helpful and being prepared to take cover just in case something out of the ordinary happens. When I work in the garage with the door opened, I ensure that the is at least one car in the driveway blocking anyone's view. Most times two cars are there. I've cleaned our garage, straightened and re-organized it with the door opened and no one's seen me naked, even those passing by.
I think "daring" would be for me to do these things with zero blockage, cover from neighbors or the street. That I won't do but I will not stop living my life the way I prefer, just like being naked in our backyard ... which is where I am headed in a few minutes to catch some more sun! :D

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

My wife recently retired. Before she retired ... she was pretty careful about her mode of dress/undress, in public and out front of the house. Since she retired ... she's loosened up a bit and today was a slight shocker for me. We'd gone shopping and had some recyclables after unwrapping some items. Today is trash day and the recycle truck hadn't come yet. She put on one of her sheer dresses and took the recyclables out to the curb in that dress. You can see through it enough to kinda tell she's not wearing anything under it. I took a picture and when she came back to the front door I asked ... "what was that all about?" She replied ... "I'm retired now, I don't care who sees me!" I LMNAO! She's getting a bit more daring nowadays! I think riding completelynaked is in her future!!! :D

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

My wife recently retired. Before she retired ... she was pretty careful about her mode of dress/undress, in public and out front of the house. Since she retired ... she's loosened up a bit and today was a slight shocker for me. We'd gone shopping and had some recyclables after unwrapping some items. Today is trash day and the recycle truck hadn't come yet. She put on one of her sheer dresses and took the recyclables out to the curb in that dress. You can see through it enough to kinda tell she's not wearing anything under it. I took a picture and when she came back to the front door I asked ... "what was that all about?" She replied ... "I'm retired now, I don't care who sees me!" I LMNAO! She's getting a bit more daring nowadays! I think riding completelynaked is in her future!!! :DResult !!!!

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

At the very least ... an attitude change ... for the good! LOL

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

Again ... another night of exposure to the night air. I took the trash cans out to the curb and then brought my car up off the street onto the driveway. I wear this thin baseball jersey and most times, like tonight, it's unbuttoned and flowing in the breeze. Anyone comes by ... I just reach down and close it. Felt good to be out front. Usually I sit on the porch on the glider for a few minutes with all the lights off. Didn't feel much like it tonight. Came inside to sit on the couch and watch a little TV with the naked lady of the house! :D

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

Some years ago when I was visiting a young friend in Vienna Austria. He took me all around the city seeing everything we could. We finally arrived at the Winter Palace around 10:30 pm. Of course everything was closed up, so we walked around it, first in the front and then around the side. Near the back we could see that there was a large swimming pool. As it was summer time and pretty hot for even for Austria, we quickly climbed the 8 foot fence, stripped down to nothing and jumped into the palace pool. As we did not want to alarm the guards, we did not hoop and holler, but quietly swam around for more than an hour before we got out. We put on our clothes and climbed back over the fence without spending any time in jail. Lucky us.

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

Well ... I exposed my bottom half to some guy today. It's one of those things that happens when you live nude all the time and you're probably going to do sometime without really knowing it before it's too late.
I was wearing a flannel shirt and some short mesh shorts in the garage while we put away one holiday decoration boxes and took other down. After we were done with that, I was straightening the garage up a bit. The cars normally in the garage were on the driveway so I was protected from anyone seeing inside, so ... I took my shorts off and unbuttoned by flannel and continued working. This couple walked by and they had their little dogs on a leash that allows the human to extend the length the dog can travel by pushing a button. This guy decides to let out the leash enough so his little dog can almost run right into our garage. I had my shirt unbuttoned so I didn't stand up but I looked up and gave the guy a stern look. His wife yelled at him to reign in the dog and off they continued on their walk.
I finished the things I was doing in the garage and I came inside to use the computer. As I sat here with a clear view of the front yard, the couple return our way with their dogs. The guy stops in front of our yard and allows his dog to crap on our lawn. I'm a dog lover but I expect people to pick up after their pets. This guy begins to walk quickly away without picking up his dogs crap off our lawn. I bolt up outta the chair and open the front door, not thinking about the shirt, which I had buttoned but ... it's shorter than I would need and it doesn't cover my genitals. I stood at the open door, yelled at the guy "hey, come back and clean that up!" He turned around, gave me a double take because he obviously saw my naked bottom half and tried to make some lame excuse about his 2 lb dog pulling him away before he could clean it up. I just stood there and watched and he quickly cleaned it up and was on his way.
Not sure what the word is on his end of the neighborhood about the naked guy at the end of the street! hahaha I do hope he told them that I'm always on the lookout! :D

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

I'm beginning to treat my driveway as part of my naked zone, even though it's overlooked, and cars wanting to turn around in the cul-de-sac can suddenly appear, pointing straight at my door. Here's an example . . .

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

I'm beginning to treat my driveway as part of my naked zone, even though it's overlooked, and cars wanting to turn around in the cul-de-sac can suddenly appear, pointing straight at my door. Here's an example . . .

You are an example to us all.
My latest dare was stripping off in the city centre car park (at 6.30pm)and putting all my clothes in the clothing bank, then driving home.

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

It's saturday morning 7am just ran out to my truck nude to grab something I forgot little cold but fun

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