Daring Nudists!!
For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)
Anyone else as daring as us?
Return to DiscussionsThursday afternoon I went without my wife to a new beach we tried out last week. Same state park as we have been going to, just a different stretch of beach. The weather was perfect with nearly no breeze or waves. When getting ready to leave I took a skinny-dip in Lake Michigan to rinse off. Because of the remoteness of the area and the calm conditions on the beach I could hear traffic approaching and other noises. I knew the coast was clear to walk naked back to my car for the nude drive home.
daring ?? statute refers to it as " lewd and lascivious."Whose statute is this?All the actions described in this topic are lawful where I live.
Apparently Texas as that is where the poster lives.
Many US states have similar laws.
By johngw:It would be easier if you could anticipate the reaction of the other party before it's too late.It can be quite difficult to do this for an entire coachload of tourists.
True, but then that reflects the different levels of daring. There's being exposed in the vicinity of passing traffic and tgen there's encountering a hiker on a remote trail you anticipated would be empty.
I do feel more comfortable with the implied consent of the viewer, so am fine with being nude in a designated clothing-optional space. If unofficial, I'll be a little more cautious, trying to take cues from what I see. If someone's already nude, go ahead, otherwise what vibe are they giving? What's the news on enforcement? And other areas shall be with more caution.
It would be nice to live in an area with a degree of tolerance, let alone having a stronger legal right to nudity, but that is not Australia right now. Indeed it seems to be going backwards.
So, no, I won't be as daring as those who stand in full view of passing traffic.