Daring Nudists!!
For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)
How to cope with relatives who are overly sensitive to Nudity?
Return to DiscussionsI'm new to this group but not new to the ideology that nudity is freedom. The question is how do you cope with relatives who are overly sensitive about one's choices?
What do you mean " overly sensitive"? Are they uncomfortable if you are nude around them? Or the mere mention that you go nude places that most would not?
If it bothers them to see you nude, it might be better to stay clothed. If they don't like hearing about your nude antics my gut reaction is so what? Let them deal with it.
If it's in their home and they prefer that I'm clothed, I'll abide by their "rules", though I have absolutely no problem being the only one nude in a group of people. If it's in my home, I'm nude, regardless if they are "overly sensitive". I simply tell them it's my home and nudity is part of my lifestyle.
I'm new to this group but not new to the ideology that nudity is freedom. The question is how do you cope with relatives who are overly sensitive about one's choices?
I find it a bit odd that you ask this question in the Daring Nudists group. Obviously, you do dares. So why do you still worry about what others think of your nudity?
I grew up in a family whp did and still do believe that nudity is a SIN. But after yrs of study I believe that is not the case at all. But to your question. When i am near them I have learned it is best to put on clothing and avoid the topic unless they bring it up. It creates less drama and a more enjoyable time spent together. I still wish they would join me someday but i do not forsee it happening. Since being a nudist I feel my self confidence and I see my body in a more possitive light. After all we all were create in God image and he never makes a mistake. So we are all perfect the way we are. If God wants them to join you they will but for now enjoy thier company and cover up to keep the drama away. That is my 2 cents worth. Hope this helps and trust He will reveal the ones that are more accepting of nudism to you.