Daring Nudists!!
For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)
Driving nude
Return to DiscussionsDoes anyone ever drive around their neighborhood naked during the day? I tend to do that a lot in the summer it's such a fun
- 2 years ago
There is only one way to drive nude - be totally naked
Agreed, but in many US states, unlike the UK and some other European countries, it is illegal, so driving minimally dressed is a legal and relatively comfortable option.
- 2 years ago
Yeah I've done that but I normally drive nude when I'm going out camping in my favorite camping spot which is also a nudist area
- 2 years ago
I have driven around naked in the warm weather. It has mostly been in the country lanes but I have driven through town to my home then dressed before leaving my vehicle. It is a liberating yet slightly scary experience.
- 2 years ago
I too drive a pickup. That bit of height gives some security but here in UK it is not illegal. It would just be embarrassing if I got stopped or another driver looked in but that's kind of exciting
- 2 years ago
Sounds like a distraction but one I would happily try....
- 2 years ago
I would drive nude on long road trips like Chicago to South bend and back all the time. Out here everything is long drive, so I can back out of the garage and drive nude to Tombstone or Bisbee and while I'm parked slip on some running shorts and a T shirt and do my shopping then undress in the car again and drive home. Around town I usually leave the house naked, slip something on in the car while in the parking lot, go do my errands and then strip and drive home nude from places like the Fry's, CVS, Post Office, the Mall or out by the WalMart. I always park far away from the other cars so not to be seen. On my drives to and from Nogales there's a pull off just outside Patagonia where I'll get out of the car and walk the trails nude for a while and then get back in the car and go on my way. So relaxing.
- 2 years ago
I did that at the Knute Rockne travel oasis on the Indiana Toll Road one morning at about 4AM! Pulled up to the farthest pump got out naked, left the driver's door open and pumped a full tank of gas. Quite exciting with all the cars trucks passing by on the highway!
- 2 years ago
Someone on another board said he drives a jeep nude with the top down and doors off.
About as daring as you can get.
- 2 years ago
Someone on another board said he drives a jeep nude with the top down and doors off.About as daring as you can get.
A motorcycle would be the most daring in my opinion.
- 2 years ago
Someone on another board said he drives a jeep nude with the top down and doors off.About as daring as you can get.A motorcycle would be the most daring in my opinion.
A friend of mine in high school would ride his motorcycle in very short low riding shorts and flip flops. Even that was daring.
- 2 years ago