Daring Nudists!!
For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)
Driving nude
Return to DiscussionsDoes anyone ever drive around their neighborhood naked during the day? I tend to do that a lot in the summer it's such a fun
- 2 years ago
I do from time to time. It is fun to watch people passing by while I stand infront of a traffic light or in a traffic jam. Drivers normally cannot see that I am fully nude. Pedestrians have a different perspective . Some look away, some grin in my face, some act as if they havent seen it. But mostly, they dont notice.
- 2 years ago
I was at Sunny Rest yesterday afternoon. If I had known there was a mostly empty rest area between there and my dinner stop, I might have managed the courage to drive nude, sitting on my towel with enough on one side to throw over my lap if necessary.
- 2 years ago
Love that and driving on long trips - interested to see if truckers and bus drivers peer in and their reaction. Also recently took up talking with a shirt and no shorts on - hangs down but not really covering - with the dog walks in the evening. So far have only had 1 car turn around trying to figure out my nudeness but I have expanded my walk to a main street nearby just for more adventure.
- 2 years ago
It was a nice sunny day. I spent the afternoon at a nude beach.
And I did not take my clothes on for the 90 min drive home .
- 2 years ago
A motorcycle would be the most daring in my opinion.
When I first moved to Florida about 21 years ago, I would sometimes ride my motorcycle from Dania beach to Haulover Beach wearing only a speedo. Never rode it nude though
- 2 years ago
A motorcycle would be the most daring in my opinion.When I first moved to Florida about 21 years ago, I would sometimes ride my motorcycle from Dania beach to Haulover Beach wearing only a speedo. Never rode it nude though
When I bought my convertible, one of my friends who knew that I like to wear as little as possible asked me if I was going to drive it in a speedo with the top down. I replied "Probably not. Since I am sitting I might as well wear a thong."
In actuality, I have driven my convertible with the top down in a speedo, but not in a thong or nude.
- 2 years ago
A motorcycle would be the most daring in my opinion.
And a bit foolhardy - dress for the slide, not for the ride.
- 2 years ago
A motorcycle would be the most daring in my opinion.And a bit foolhardy - dress for the slide, not for the ride.
I agree wholeheartedly John. I ride ATGATT myself, All The Gear All the Time. But riding naked adds an extra layer of daringness to the whole situation. Don't you think?
- 2 years ago
A motorcycle would be the most daring in my opinion.And a bit foolhardy - dress for the slide, not for the ride.I agree wholeheartedly John. I ride ATGATT myself, All The Gear All the Time. But riding naked adds an extra layer of daringness to the whole situation. Don't you think?
Most definitely. The only naked riding that I have ever seen was within Euronat Naturist holiday centre in France (about 2 square miles of it) where there is a speed limit of 15 mph.
The risks are probably minimal in those conditions - about the same as those of the hundreds of naked cyclists of which I am one.
- 2 years ago
A motorcycle would be the most daring in my opinion.When I first moved to Florida about 21 years ago, I would sometimes ride my motorcycle from Dania beach to Haulover Beach wearing only a speedo. Never rode it nude though
Where did you live before you moved to Florida?
- 2 years ago