Daring Nudists!!
For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)
Running half naked on the trails.
Return to DiscussionsSo lately since its been colder I have been starting my runs on the trails wearing a hoodie, gloves and beanie. No pants of course. I jog about a mile or mile and half and once Im warm enough I take off the hoodie and finish the run naked. A few days ago I was running and didnt quite see the other person (who also was tweeting a headlamp) on the trails. Its not a problem normally but as I approached the man had two dogs with him. The dogs were barking and so I slowed down to pass and all I had on was my hoodie. I dont know if he could see I wasnt wearing pants but I was standing still right in front of him for a few seconds. He just apologized and pulled his dogs away and kept going. It was funny to me but even more funny because I wasnt wearing pants at all.
- a month ago
Welcome back, Haven't seen you post for a while, Are you still running in just a hoodie and taking it off when you warm up on most mornings?
Do you drive there nude or wear the hoodie?
- a month ago
great arnnudist! it was great
- a month ago
Well done by all! The guy with the dogs had the perfect response. Keep running, its only cold.
- a month ago
Haha! This is awesome man!!! Keep it up!
- a month ago
I'm living vicariously through your naked running posts. Love them!
- a month ago