Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

daring outdoor nudity :)

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i guess since im this groups moderator, i may as well share some daring stuff i did the last couple years lol..one day in broad daylight, i driven from my house to town and back completely nude. i laid in a friends back yard nude for a tan and didnt care who saw..another day i convinced a friend of mines mother to go nude with me at a lake and she turned out enjoying it, so i guess i converted her...but the craziest ive done?? took my clothes off at work when nobody was around...that was truly a thrill lol

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

I managed to make a short video of moving the car off the drive to allow the builders access this morning.It can be viewed athttps://vimeo.com/165402163great job. I did notice it looks like you wore your seatbelt even for that short drive. I have found myself doing that while wearing nothing else even to move my car in my own driveway. Did you also move the car back while in the buff? And were you bare for the contractor once he got there? Keep up the streaks and keep the camera rolling.
I was dressed by the time the builder arrived and the evening rush hour is too busy to do it naked.

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

I popped across the road this morning naked to pick up some litter.

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

I have got the milk in from the doorstep, and put out the recycling, both in view of my neighbours, but done it early in the morning. I have also done one of my nude walks on a route that took me a way up a tarmac road past a farm, but didn't meet anyone (though did meet a few walkers later on a footpath). My recent morning nude jogs/walks this week have included a lane where I met a few cyclists and walkers, as I didn't expect that many would be around early: I had done it early sat / sun but only had one or two people around. The start point is just off the roadto go down a cycle path for my usual routes, but have to return the same way.I fancy an alternative to this to make acircular route, but that means about 700 yds alonga road that has early morning traffic on it, and crosses the busy main railway line. I'm really wanting to give it a go one weekend soon, for thethrill of beingcommitted to it with no wayof knowing if anyone will turn up.May give it agothis Sunday??

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

Every year we go camping with the same people. They are not nudists. Most years, unknown to our friends, my wife and I sneak away to find some nude time. Usually, when we go out in the boat alone, my clothes are off pretty fast. Many years we go down to the lake after dark and go skinny dipping.A few years ago, a huge windstorm came through when we were camping and knocked down lots of trees real close to our campground. Our friends had a large tree branch fall on their truck and the awning was ripped off their camper. All the power was out for most of the night. Our campsite was right next to the pool. So, after everyone went to bed, my wife and I jumped the fence and went skinny dipping in the campground pool with the leaves and twigs and a few large frogs.

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

Last November, my wife and I visited our member only campground up in the local mountains. It was cool up there at that time of year and we were really surprised how deserted the campground was. With over 800 campsites ... only 35 were actually occupied. The nearest occupied RV to us was over 100 yrds away. The way our RV was situated, I was able to go out of our RV naked quite a bit. It all started one night when I needed something from the Jeep and I walked out of the motorhome with just my flip flops on. My wife quickly turned off the "porch light" for added cover. Only problem, then I couldn't see a thing! :D
She gave me a small key chain flashlight and it provided enough light to see where I was going but didn't cast any light on me. As I stood outside in the darkness ... I could see that there were very few lights on anywhere within a couple hundred yards of us. So dark that anyone out walking would have a flashlight, so I got daring and began taking the trash to the dumpsters about 30 yards away and did that each night we were there. I thought ofevery excuse to be naked outside after dark on that trip.We've always said that our campground would make the best club/resort and its location was excellent for nude use. Too bad they don't/won't do that and we don't have the $$$ to buy it and turn it into one! ;-)

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

I've been skinny-sipping with frogs, too but the oddest thing was when I was swimming nude at our local lido and a heron was fishing at the side.I was very careful about swimming backstroke that morning!

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

I am not sure if I am getting more
daring or more stupid.

Last week, when I was returning to my
car after a nude hike at Lake Castaic, I heard voices from the small
parking area. Instead of putting my shorts on, I continued on and
when I got to the lot acted as though I was surprised that anyone was
there. I explained that I was not expecting anyone else to be there
and I hoped they were not bothered by my nudity.
He responded that it was OK, but she
turned away and moved to the far side of there car.

I made no effort to cover up, but
simply carried on the same as I would if I was dressed. I retrieved
some items from the trunk, then got into the car and after a few
moments, drove away.

This was not the end of my nude
activities. As I was driving back along Lake Hughes Road, I wanted to
get a picture of Lake Castaic. I have done this in the past but
always pulled on my shorts before getting out of the car. This time I
really did not want to have to interrupt my nude time so just got out
to take my pictures. I did wait until the road appeared to be clear,
however a pickup truck did drive by as I was outside of my car. Again
I made no effort to cover up or hide behind the car, but acted the
same as I would if clothed. There was no reaction from the truck,
other then slowing a bit as they drove past.

I know there are those who will feel
what I did is bad for the nudist movement, but most of these people
are also the same ones that say nudity should be restricted to the
resorts or nude beach.

I find that the more I am nude the more
I resent having to cover up just because someone may see me and be

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

I am not sure if I am getting moredaring or more stupid.Last week, when I was returning to mycar after a nude hike at Lake Castaic, I heard voices from the smallparking area. Instead of putting my shorts on, I continued on andwhen I got to the lot acted as though I was surprised that anyone wasthere. I explained that I was not expecting anyone else to be thereand I hoped they were not bothered by my nudity.He responded that it was OK, but sheturned away and moved to the far side of there car. I made no effort to cover up, butsimply carried on the same as I would if I was dressed. I retrievedsome items from the trunk, then got into the car and after a fewmoments, drove away.This was not the end of my nudeactivities. As I was driving back along Lake Hughes Road, I wanted toget a picture of Lake Castaic. I have done this in the past butalways pulled on my shorts before getting out of the car. This time Ireally did not want to have to interrupt my nude time so just got outto take my pictures. I did wait until the road appeared to be clear,however a pickup truck did drive by as I was outside of my car. AgainI made no effort to cover up or hide behind the car, but acted thesame as I would if clothed. There was no reaction from the truck,other then slowing a bit as they drove past.I know there are those who will feelwhat I did is bad for the nudist movement, but most of these peopleare also the same ones that say nudity should be restricted to theresorts or nude beach. I find that the more I am nude the moreI resent having to cover up just because someone may see me and beoffended.There are those that think their brand of nudism is the only brand and though they are entitled to their opinions, theirs only applies to themselves and those that think as they do but ... it's not everyone nor should it be the basis for every nudist.
Yeah ... your exposing yourself to others can be misinterpreted, misconstrued but ... hey, that's the way you want to practice your brand of nudism, have at it. It goes along with the top freedom movement, the openly gay and lesbian movement, the transgender movement ... all these lifestyles and statements made to get people exposed to them and realize that there is no normal way of life. Living your life as you see fit, as long as it does not physically harm someone and no matter how different it is from others, is normal for you and should be accepted.
I personally wouldn't have done that though some will say that some of the stuff I do is akin to what you did. I'd disagree but they can think whatever they want. My nudist life and how I live it is for me and my wife ... not for anyone else. I wonder if it had been you and your wife or significant other emerging from the woods/brush onto the parking area, if the female would have stood her ground and not retreated to the other side of her car. Not sure what she was afraid of. Her male companion was there. I have often felt that people react, as she did, because they are more embarrassed than they are afraid. If they look and not retreat for cover ... then they agree or like what they have experienced and they are afraid to say ... "hey, that doesn't bother me and I wish I could do that."
Just be careful out there! ;-)

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

I did something similar to totaltanjim one time, exiting my car naked to get a picture of a scenic spot from the edge of a state highway. There is a trail from the pullout that leads to an area where you sometimes find naked people. I assumed the other car that was parked there was empty. Early morning, no other cars on the road, probably somebody getting in an early hike. So I got all engrossed in taking sunrise pics from all angles and not paying attention to the fact that I am naked on the shoulder of a highway. Was I surprised when a guy got out of the car while I was standing on the shoulder? You bet. He had no problem with me,in fact I think he was a little intrigued. But that was just my good luck. I have been much more careful since. I really don't want to limit my nakedness to clubs and designated beaches. But I do recognize that I am on my own if I push the envelope too far. So I weigh possible comsequences and usually err on the cautious side.

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RE: daring outdoor nudity :)

I just started going nude most of the time around my house about a year ago. I went outside but usually at night. During the day I would move to a small spot on my deck where I was certain the neighbors couldn't see me. This year I'm a bit more comfortable about it and have wanted to move around more, so I carefully checked the deck and yard for places I couldn't be seen below my waist. I've found I can be a lot of places like that and discovered I can actually use the entire deck. I put up a privacy fence a couple of years ago and it's amazing how the bushes and trees are in positions along the fence shielding the view. Maybe it's not very daring to just be in your yard naked, but in the middle of a busy neighborhood it feels extremely daring to me. Maybe next year I'll get even more daring!

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