Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

daring outdoor nudity :)

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i guess since im this groups moderator, i may as well share some daring stuff i did the last couple years lol..one day in broad daylight, i driven from my house to town and back completely nude. i laid in a friends back yard nude for a tan and didnt care who saw..another day i convinced a friend of mines mother to go nude with me at a lake and she turned out enjoying it, so i guess i converted her...but the craziest ive done?? took my clothes off at work when nobody was around...that was truly a thrill lol

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RE:daring outdoor nudity :)

I did the polar bear plunge today (in my pool) it was only 75 at the time and I thought I would freeze..I know I'm a winter wimp.

I'm inspired I'm going now on my front porch nude

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RE:daring outdoor nudity :)

I did the polar bear plunge today (in my pool) it was only 75 at the time and I thought I would freeze..I know I'm a winter wimp.I'm inspired I'm going now on my front porch nude

ONLY 75?
We're lucky to get an outdoor pool that warm in the UK. 50 to 60 is the norm.

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RE:daring outdoor nudity :)

This may not come under daring but on Sunday I'm going to add my contribution to a "Calendar Girls" style calendar that is being produced.I hope it's not too cold LOL

I did this on the Sunday before Christmas. 6am in December is not the warmest time to get naked (even colder than 5am). I'll have to wait to see what the photo (and the calendar) look like

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RE:daring outdoor nudity :)

Just before Christmas a friend and I took a long walk on the beach wearing only our Santa hats. With my bushy white beard I looked a bit like a naked Father Christmas. Most of the textiles thought it was great fun. (Many were wrapped up against the December chill.) And I posed for four photos, not counting the many we took ourselves, Cheers!

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RE:daring outdoor nudity :)

A few of years ago, it came to my attention that it was legal to be naked in San Francisco. Sadly, as of 2015 that's no longer the case, but back then it was. At least so I heard. So when I found myself on a business trip out there, I decided to stay through the weekend and explore the city a little. I talked to a couple of people about the city nudity situation and I was told that, while it was legal, people weren't necessarily running around naked everywhere all the time. Nonetheless, there I was, it was a brisk but sunny spring weekend, and so I figured I might at least see what's up.

I walked around the city and eventually made it to the intersection of Market and Castro. I was told that naked people sometimes hang out there and my curiosity was peeking as I approached. However, much to my disappointment, I saw no one naked. I walked around a bit wondering what to do.

Now, if you've never been to this particular intersection you might not know that it's one busy place. The subway emerges there, the streetcars stop right there, cars whiz by on Market St, and clouds of tourists meander from one store and restaurant to the next. And there I am, in the middle of this mayhem wondering whether nudity is in fact appropriate, let alone legal, or whether someone was just pulling my leg.

There was only one way to find out.

Right at the intersection of the two streets, I found a little urban park - nothing more than a little concrete patio and a few metal chairs and tables. So, I walked up to one of the benches, took off my jacket and laid it down so I would have something other than cold metal to sit on. And then I proceeded to strip buck naked, right there, in the middle of all the traffic, right among the clouds of people wandering by. I neatly folded my clothes, sat down, and started reading a book. My heart was pounding and I couldn't for the life of me focus on the book in front of me. I must have read the same sentence a million times without paying attention to it at all. At the same time, I didn't want to appear anxious and out of place so I tried to play it cool.

And it was amazing. What's more amazing though, is that within about five minutes, at least five other people joined me and next thing I knew, I was in the middle of an urban nude beach in the urban center of a large city. It seemed that there were a bunch of people in the area looking for exactly the same thing as me, but they were all waiting for someone to take the plunge first. Needless to say, I made new friends that day and even though my solo nudity only lasted a few minutes, it was exhilarating.

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RE:daring outdoor nudity :)

Yes, the post said in the first two lines that legal nudity came to an end in 2015.

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RE:daring outdoor nudity :)

Yes, the post said in the first two lines that legal nudity came to an end in 2015.

And this was down to the wrong type of people going around nude, as they were looking for sex hook ups and not the nudist life style we are interested in.

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RE:daring outdoor nudity :)

The one and only time I went to San Francisco I took an afternoon away from my business conference and went to Baker Beach. It was also a brisk day - at the end of July!

I did go completely naked for awhile (until I got cold!) but it wasn't as daring since there were other naked people there already.

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RE:daring outdoor nudity :)

Actually San Francisco has enacted a nudity ban, but if you are cough your fine is $100 for the first time, and if you keep on the move it is not likely soon you can still be nude, if caught well whats a hundred bucks for all the fun you had before being caught. To me is is worth it just to keep the nude in public actions alive, live nudin public and prosper I always say...

I understand that the ordinance specifically excludes art events and street festivals where nudity is a part of it. So I've been wondering about Bay to Breakers. I've done that maybe half a dozen time--naked the whole way. The last time I did it was 2011, if I remember right. I travel from Washington DC to do Bay to Breakers, and I'm not interested in making the trip if I can't go naked. And I really can't afford to be busted for nudity. Besides the fine, do you also get a record? I've never even had a parking ticket. (Of course, I only got a drivers license when I was 59, three years ago.)

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RE:daring outdoor nudity :)

Good for you!

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