Daring Nudists!!
For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)
Giving Thanks for Daring Truenudism!
Return to DiscussionsBoth nudism and naked dares have brought me so much joy in life. Honestly it is a real shame that the natural human form is so exciting but still it is a thrill that is both wholesome and harmless. Everyone should try it. My current challange to my fellow daring nudists, post a selfie of you pumping gas totally nudies in the group!
- a year ago
I have a picture and video of me pumping gas node in my media section. I will repost them here, but not sure if the video will come through
- a year ago
I have a picture and video of me pumping gas node in my media section. I will repost them here, but not sure if the video will come through
Must be an old picture, you have a distinct tan line.
By the way, how did you squeeze everything into a suit as small as the tan line?
- a year ago
Unlike the olden days of My early childhood, there are no longer any Gas Station Window Wipers to impress if You Roll Naked into their Service Area. Those joints are so poorly/understaffed these days that their LAST concern is what someone is wearing OR NOT; they just need as much $$$ as they can get in this anti-car political climate/environment.
It would be another thing if One PAID for their gas at the Counter/Window Nude ( not the pump ).
We have INALIENABLE #ClothesFREE Liberty & a codified #1stAmendment Right to DiVest & OptOut of inane bodymask mandates & stand Our ground in defiance of ancient & modern codes & rulers that aim to shame & deamonize & criminalize #TheHumanBody.
- a year ago