Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

getting the mail

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getting the mail nude 500 feet from the house by the road

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RE: getting the mail

You have to really be carefull about being caught off of your property in Tennnessee, the law gets real serious there. We are lucky here in Iowa, they have to prove sexual intent. We live in the country on the farm, and have the luxuary of not haveing to worry about who sees us. We have two places about a quarter of a mile apart, and am able to go between them in freedonm on a public road.

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RE: getting the mail

Wow, i live in the country in NC, but i don't got quite that good of freedom, there are too many houses close by to me. Where i use to live though, i could walk in my front or back yard nude and not be seen. Checking the mail nude sounds fun and daring though lol

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getting the mail

mail box is still on my land

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RE: getting the mail

I could do it but it would have to be done at night...........lol

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RE: getting the mail

I get the morning paper , the mail comes too late.

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RE: getting the mail

Checked the mail tonight. I don't think my neighbors in front of me were home. I walked out the rear door onto the deck and around the house down the driveway and picked up the mail from the mail box then walked back down the drive way and into the back yard. It wasan awsome feeling!!!

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RE: getting the mail

I did the same thing the other day. It is about 200 feet to my mailbox. It was night time but, house lights and street lights lit up the place pretty good. I just went out the door and walked down there to get the mail. Felt good!

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RE: getting the mail

i have gone to mailbox nudea few times when everyone is at work or school but usually wear a t shirt that covers my butt or a thin housecoat that is pretty thin and somewhat see thru, have been seen in housecoat by mail lady , meter reader and the lady down the street that likes to chat.

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RE: Getting the mail

I live in the inner city, but I quite often walk around inside the house naked, even with the blinds open. Quite often in the morning I will run down to the front door naked to get the paper. I try to be quick so no one sees, but it still sends my lover into a panic...

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RE: Getting the mail

there is no rule that say it got to be your mailbox... anyone will do the job!
We are here for the fun!

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