Post #2Joachim_1957Topless"Full nakedness! All joys are due to thee; As souls unbodied, bodies unclothed must be To... RE: Doggie Roll CallI have a Maltese aged one year and eight months. His name is Tuffy. My wife adopted him a few months before she passed away, so he's very special to me.
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RE: Doggie Roll CallI have a Chavalier King Charles, she is 8 years old. I have had her since she was 8 weeks.
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My dogI have a American Eskimo mini
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Post #5gator1Super NudistThere is something about being naked that means you are obliged to be friendly and welcoming. When... RE: My dogWe have two is a long-haired blue dapple with blue eyes, and the other is a long-haired cream color. Both are little ladies.
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RE: Doggie Roll CallI have a lazy Borzoi "Tomsk" and a Belgian Sheppard X. Both lovelable, but too much fur - constant hoovering (Vacuuming for the Americans!)
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RE: Doggie Roll CallI have three smooth-hair dachshunds, Max, Pixie and Lady.
Max and Pixie are miniatures and Lady is a standard.
Regards. John Spooner. South Australia.
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RE: Doggie Roll CallBedlington. 10-year-old puppy.
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Doggie Roll CallI have two rescue dogs; one is a lab/huskie mix, 7 yrs old the other is a shephard/huskie mix, 5 yrs old.
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Doggie Roll CallFor the record:
We have 2 dogs, both "Welsh Corgi Cardigans". (4 and 7 years old)
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Dog SnobsRead them all not one mutt in the list! :)
Leo and Satch, one pomm cross and one who knows what. 13 years old and still going strong.
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