Dog Owners
A group for nudists to discuss their dogs.
Doggie Roll Call
Return to DiscussionsLet's have everyone list their breed(s) of dogs and age.
I'll start. We have a 3 year old Weimaraner. Still acts like a puppy.
- 16 years ago
We have three Boxers and one small dog with origins unknown. Two of the Boxers have a little mix in them too. All are in the 2 to 5 yr age range.
- 5 years ago
we have a 3 year old GoldenDoodle male.
- 5 years ago
we have a 3 year old GoldenDoodle male.
- 5 years ago
Hi everyone , meet my Dog named Loki, 6 year old male german shepherd
- 2 years ago
I have a 12.5 year old Shih Tzu, with a possible mix of some spaniel. Lots of attitude and not social with other dogs. Will tolerate them but if we are at a dog park, he is hanging out with the humans. Looking for ear and butt scratches......
- 2 years ago
Unfortunately our (mine and my hubby 'Stormboy') blue girl "Barcoo" died Xmas day 2017.
Leaving us with our little terrier, rescue dog, "Peppy". He's now 13, got him aged 18 months. His mother was a Tenterfield Terrier, father unknown.
In 2019 we got 2 more female dogs, both purebreeds.
Another blue, Australian Cattle Dog "Roxy" and a red/tan Kelpie "Terra", as in Terra firma.
- 2 years ago
Two Scottish terriers
- 2 years ago
I have a Giant Schnauzer and she'll be two years in May. Got her from a certified breeder at 7 weeks old and flew into Atlanta then picked her up in a remote area in GA then drove from there all the way back to Arizona (I was living in both AZ and CA at the time). Was a bucket list item to do a road trip cross country as well. She's an amazing breed, very easy to train and hasn't chewed up any shoes furniture etc; but with that said, she's extremely hyper and has a lot of big dog energy. I must have raised her right because she just loves to play with any other dogs and puppies and loves humans and attention (just like me).
- 2 years ago
we have a lab called bones
- 2 years ago
This feels like a phishing expedition. That's ok on my end I would never use Stella's name for any of my security. For anyone else. DO NOT GIVE OUT THIS KIND OF INFORMATION ON THE INTERNET!!!
- 2 years ago