Dog Owners
A group for nudists to discuss their dogs.
Doggie Roll Call
Return to DiscussionsLet's have everyone list their breed(s) of dogs and age.
I'll start. We have a 3 year old Weimaraner. Still acts like a puppy.
- 16 years ago
we have a 6 year old Black Lab
- 10 years ago
Bogart & Bacall , 3 & 4, rescue Rottweilers. My best friends.
- 10 years ago
One of my dogs is a cover of this page ( 5 y/o Dogo Argentino). Few months ago I rescued 2 more dogs. 1 is chihuahua mix (1.5 y/o, 11lbs) and the other is a pure breed chihuahua ( 5 y/o, 5 lbs).
All getting along just fine.
- 10 years ago
Lost one boxer back in January she went into heart failure and could not pull out of it, have a 7 yo malebrindle boxer and now a 4 month old fawn female boxer.They get along great 24 pounds now vers 94
- 10 years ago
I have a 3 n half year old chocolate lab. Super smart, super active and super naughty :D . P.S he is of American Lab decent, they are generally taller at the shoulders compared to the UK blood lines.
- 10 years ago
I currently have a German Shepherd Rottweiler mix and a German Shepherd and we lost German Shepherd a year ago.
- 10 years ago
Yellow lab 5 years old who is still mad.
- 10 years ago
I got a 'rescue pup' about 18 months ago. Then she looked like a lab/shepherd mix; now that she's stopped growing at about 55 lbs, you can see the Pit in her and she pulls like one too. Always at my feet though, everywhere I go.
- 9 years ago
Hi we raise an show the American Bullies . All our babies live inside they are our kids now that ours have moved away
- 9 years ago
Hi everyone,
Just joined the group. We have a British Bulldog (English Bulldog) named Charlotte, she is 8 1/2 years old and she is our world.
- 9 years ago