Driving Nude
For those that enjoy driving naked, as an extension of their nudist lifestyle ... not for exhibitionist purposes. Blank, Private or Minimally filled out profiles will NOT be allowed to join.
Daily Nude drive stories ...
Return to DiscussionsSomething's amiss with this site. I went to delete a post of mine and it completely deleted the entire topic! Grrrrrrrr ...
So ... I will begin another topic of discussion on Daily Nude Driving stories. Please accept my apologies for having to start another topic but I didn't delete the topic, just tried to delete my post.
- 8 years ago
We were in Los Angeles for the day and at the end of our outing, I pulled over, stripped and drove 93 miles to our house. Got out of the car and unpacked it. It was late and cold. The neighbors across the street had all their shutters closed up tight. Felt great to get in that long drive with the heater on and Holiday Music on the satellite radio! ;-)
- 3 years ago
This is my first time on TN for about three weeks. Being in IT, my time has been mental.One of the real benefits to staying at home is not having the 2+ hour commute every day. However, I'm not missing the naked time as staying at home I'm naked all the time apart from once per week for groceries and 30 minutes at lunch time for a walk down the lane.Our village would not be happy with a naked walker.
OMG, just read this and remembered what it was line in Lockdown #1. Just out of the house one hour a day for walking, and 1 shopping trip a week. A real shame I couldn't do my walks naked, but my wife would have gone mental (and I'm not sure I would have been brave enough)
These days I work from home most days, but I do - like today - go into the office occasionally. As always, I will be making the most of a naked drive home tonight.
- 3 years ago
During the lockdown, we had plenty of food but were craving take out or drive thru. I mentioned the sushi place, but I drove thru a Steak and Shake many times, a Mexican food place, Pollo Loco, KFC, Popeye's, In and Out... I did pick up To Go food from a few other places and had Chinese food and pizza delivered a few times.
The To Go people bringing out the food to your car didn't seem that interested in me, just wanted to give me my food and get their tip and go get the next order. Drive Thru's were slammed and just about threw your food to you as you drove up! hahaha It was a pretty crazy time. A few times Di and I got in my Jeep and just drove around town for 30 mins or more. I was eerie how dead the streets actually were, in the beginning of the lockdown. It actually felt safe driving around naked, picking up food or driving thru to get food. Did our banking at the drive up ATM.
- 3 years ago
It sounds like the covid created some great opportunities for you both. Before we moved out of The San Fernando Valley, there were times I just felt cooped up in the apartment. I would tell my wife and 2 sons " I going for a naked drive " anyone want to go. At times we would all jump in the expedition and take off just driving all over the valley. On one drive my youngest son asked how many other people do you think do this. We talked about it at length not having any specific data to look at, we both agreed its probably more than anyone realizes.
My wife and I have gone on a few naked drives here. Most of the time it winds up out of town since our town is literally only 8 miles long with one main st and all the others dip into neighborhoods. With UT no looking kindly at all on nudism, we stay away from people unless we know they are a part of our community. There is no way you could go pick up food here nude and not get arrested, which is a really sad state of affairs.
Next trip we take no matter where it is, the plan is to drive it nude the whole way.
- 3 years ago
It's sometimes not as easy or casual as it seems in my post. My nude drive thru's are mostly planned. If I'm home, I can choose which vehicle to take. My Jeep sits quite a bit higher than Di's. There are times where I must cover my lap with shorts but not always. Until my current Jeep, all other vehicles I owned had dark tinted windows. I decided not to do that to this car, yet.
Been doing this naked driving thing since I was in the Navy and stationed in San Francisco way back in 1972. I'd not only drive back and forth from Frisco to the LA area naked all the time but began driving to and back to the ship from Bonny Doon Beach, north of Santa Cruz, naked as well.
- 3 years ago
Drove home an hour, from the beach to my garage. Perfect day at the beach, perfect drive home, then a beer in my yard as the sun was going down. Perfect.
- 3 years ago
It's finally warmed up here the last couple of weeks and I'm back to my naked driving routines. We don't eat drive thru fast food much but when Di gets a hankering for some, I volunteer to go get it. I just ordered curbside pickup from Applebee's a few days ago. Wore a Hawaiian shirt unbuttoned and went and picked up the food.
Plans to take the motorhome out on another getaway. It's my favorite vehicle to drive nude. Di feels a bit more comfortable wearing just a shirt while riding in her seat. Depending on traffic, she'll open the shirt up and enjoy the feeling of almost being nude. She's been seen before, a couple of times, and doesn't want to take that chance anymore. I don't blame her.
- 3 years ago