Driving Naked
For those who enjoy driving in the nude.
City or Highway
Return to DiscussionsI like either but mostly do my nude driving on highway on long trips. Too much chance of getting caught in town. Helps me to be more alert and less tired. In fact I'm leaving after Christmas for our winter home in Florida and will be driving nude where possible. These pics are from me coming back north on another trip.
I often look to see if other drivers have pants on as a check on what they can see when I am nude. I have come to realize that it is impossible to see if someone is nude (at least bottomless) in an adjacent vehicle unless one is much higher as in a bus or a truck. My side windows are tinted now so the only good view is through the windscreen. I have taken to driving around town nude and even at traffic lights I have never been noticed. I would be concerned if I was stopped at a traffic light with a lot of pedestrian traffic, but that rarely happens here. Where I have been seen is by truck drivers on a multilane highway. With their big mirrors high up, they can see down through the windscreen as you overtake and pass them. Knowing this I stay behind them or pass quickly lol.
I drive nude nearly every day. Highway, country road, city streets, anywhere and everywhere. That's what nude driving is all about, the thrill and fun of it. Can't say I've never been seen, but only had one trucker honk horn at me. I do find it exciting to drive thru our downtown area, especially during summer when little to no clothes are the norm. I drive on our small two lane main street anytime of day, early, lunch or later. Many people driving or walking by and never any issues. The longest I've driven is five hour trip. Naked driving is best anytime you do it. Don't miss the experience just because your in the city....very exhilarating.
Both equally. Been driving naked for well over 40 years. I drove naked from LA to San Francisco on a regular basis when I was stationed up there in the Navy. I continued that practice after I got out of the Navy and began working about an hour from home. Those late night naked drives on the highway were pretty nice.
I then began driving to and from work when I got on the fire department. It was easy to slip in and outta what I wore to and from work once I was in my car. I've driven on short errand runs locally and driven naked long drives. My favorite vehicle to drive naked is our motorhome but I enjoy driving all our cars that way and even drive all rental cars this way. Last time we rented a mini van to travel up to Lake Tahoe for a wedding and I drove that rental naked there and back home.
Highway or city driving; when I can and it's warm enough, I drive naked almost always. Currently, my naked driving habits have been on hold because of it being too cold for shorts, flip flops and Hawaiian shirts... my usual mode of dress. We both drive SUV's and have dark tinted windows so it's near impossible to see into our cars. I never worry about buses or semi trucks. I don't pace either and pass them quickly when possible.
Have I been seen? Yes, but I don't think so, when I was driving. I've stopped for fuel and food while driving the motorhome. When we get back into the motorhome, I strip off my shorts and shirt and get in the drivers seat. On a few occasions I didn't realize someone was watching and they saw me get into the drivers seat naked. They all either waved, smiled or given me a thumbs up. I don't think many, if any, really care if you're driving naked or not.