Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

Okay I finally did it

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I drove to CA from Vegas totally nude and on the way home from Pomona to Tropicana Ave. In Vegas. On the 15 freeway.

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RE:Okay I finally did it

John I enjoyed your video of moving the car, I would not be surprised if you were seen. Thanks for sharing.

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RE:Okay I finally did it

And I'll get out of the car to get dressed at a pub or a supermarket (it's easier to pull my pants up when I'm standing up).

Same here - click on photo to see video - a short clip from this video.

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RE:Okay I finally did it

And I'll get out of the car to get dressed at a pub or a supermarket (it's easier to pull my pants up when I'm standing up).Same here - click on photo to see video - a short clip from this video.

Always do this when I can.

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RE:Okay I finally did it

Hey, Nude1here, It feels good to drive naked, doesn't it. Especially when you go a bit of a distance. Yes it could get to be a habit; and I've heard other stories of a person forgetting that he was naked when he went to put on gas; didn't realize until he went into the station to pay for the gas that he didn't have his wallet on him: or anything else on him, either.

Should such a thing ever happen to me, I'd feel I had made some major strides as a nudist! I would just hope that I wouldn't be striding directly to jail, not pass go, not collecting $200 ... But would have the drive across California pretty exhilarating.

Thumbs up!


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RE:Okay I finally did it

I have been spotted by several neighbors on different occasions. They looked, but just talked to me like nothing was different.

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