Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

Gas and rest room stops

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A very few people have mentioned doing this nude.
Has anyone else tried it?
If so, how did it work out?

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RE:Gas and rest room stops

I have been successful at refueling nude multiple times. It takes practice and the right circumstances. All of mine were during daylight hours. Leaving the driver's door open works well to block the view one way, but the rear view is fair game! Several have spotted me briefly but most likely weren't sure what they saw!Several years back, I set up a tripod for the iPhone at one station, taking ten shots comfortably.There have been many times I elected not to step out of the vehicle nude when circumstances weren't right.Once, I pulled up to a pump while a young lady was already pumping gas at the same pump on the opposite side. I observed the situation as I had no clothes to wear and after watching her continually. tapping away on her phone, I decided to see if I could do it. I stepped close to the pump, ran the card, and started fueling three feet away from her. When her fuel pump stopped, she replaced the nozzle, got in her car, and drove away, still playing with her phone. It was thrilling to be naked, feet away from one another during daylight hours. I won't forget that one for a while!
Where and how far were you driving with no clothes in the car?

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RE:Gas and rest room stops

It happened on one of my business trips, a four-hour drive one-way. Since I make these trips often I know the route well. Occasionally, I feel bolder and lock my clothes in the trunk instead of leaving them in the back seat. When I do this, I will stop somewhere, usually a busy box store lot, and step out, strip, and put everything in the trunk; having no access to any clothing inside the vehicle makes the pulse race a bit more!
This was one of those trips where I knew I would have to refuel. I chose a station I had used before. When I pulled up, it was busy, and the young lady, in her late twenties, was already using the opposite side of the pump I like to use, farthest away from the store.
Usually, I would sit in the vehicle until things looked right or throw on my shorts, but that day, I had nothing to cover with.
For some strange reason, I challenged myself to see if it could be done after realizing she had not paid a bit of attention to me or looked my way. I opened the door, stood up, scanned the card, and began fueling. I closely watched her movements on the other side of the pump just in case I needed to dive back inside. She was only three feet away, using the opposite side of the same pump, tapping away on her phone. When she finished, she placed the nozzle back, turned, and walked back to her driver's door, still enthralled with the phone, and drove away!
I stood there in amazement at what had just happened. No sooner than I had finished, I climbed back inside, and another vehicle pulled in behind me to use the pump. The rest of the trip was uneventful; another naked drive.
I have pulled into several rest stops to test, but there are always too many patrons there, and most of these days, there is a security guard on the premises.

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RE:Gas and rest room stops

Then you also need to find an inconspicuous place to dress near the end of the drive?

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RE:Gas and rest room stops

Then you also need to find an inconspicuous place to dress near the end of the drive.

Yes, I have several places just a block from the shop to reclaim the items in the trunk. It's always exciting stepping out and walking around bare.
On several occasions, when I go to my weekend home on the lake, I leave with nothing as I have clothes there if needed.

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RE:Gas and rest room stops

Thats bold and would definitely be memorable. I have gotten out nude in a restaurant parking lot and dressed after a long drive from Tennessee to Kansas. I wasnt able to get gas fully nude, but like many other times did it in just a tshirt and flip flops.

Kudos to you!

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RE:Gas and rest room stops

Then you also need to find an inconspicuous place to dress near the end of the drive.Yes, I have several places just a block from the shop to reclaim the items in the trunk. It's always exciting stepping out and walking around bare.On several occasions, when I go to my weekend home on the lake, I leave with nothing as I have clothes there if needed.

How far is the lake house from your primary residence?
Are you nude most of the time at the weekend home,

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RE:Gas and rest room stops

I have done both. Was on a naked drive, as usual, and stopped for gas so just got it while naked. A few times I will stop by the rest stop down the road. Usually throw skimpy shorts on but if it is vacant I leave clothes in the car, put keys on front tire, and go in. A few times I could hear someone coming so bolted to a stall at waited til alone again.

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RE:Gas and rest room stops

Public exposure and probation. I got off easy, but roughly $1k in fines and fees.

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RE:Gas and rest room stops

Some time ago, i was one the highway. A car drove with me for miles and one time when the car was besides me, a woman had her bare feet on the dash. Then when ibsaw her again, she lifted up her blanket to move around and i saw her nude. A hour or so went by. I pulled into a rest area. I used the bathroom and came back. That one car pulled up and the guy quickly got out and went inside. I decided to get some rest. When the guy returned, i heard them talking and i opened my eyes a little and saw her slowly taken off her blanket and looking around. She got out and tiptoed inside nude. She came back quickly. They pulled off and i decided to pull off too. I caught up to them and she was sitting up and her chest was exposed. She just smiled. I think she saw me watching her gping inside the rest area.

Years later, i was driving naked. I had to use the bathroom. I went to the rest area and there were onky about 2 trucks a one car. I think they were asleep. I went for it. I calmly walked inside. When i was standing at the pisser, completley naked, i hears voices. They must of pulled up after me. As soon as i turned from the pisser, a guy entered the bathroom. I looked around the lobby for a minute then walked back to my car before someone came in.

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RE:Gas and rest room stops

This doesnt interest me at all would never even try since most gas stations have video cameras to track gas thieves nd can easily capture your license plate if law enforcement wanted to track you down. Though some rest stopped are attacked that makes it a possible place where you might be attacked by someone who was offended. I want clothes free experiences that are relaxing not anxiety creating or to get a thrill.

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