Driving Naked
For those who enjoy driving in the nude.
Driving Nude is a Trip
Return to DiscussionsDid my first nude drive about 4 four weeks ago driving from the Nudist resort as I was at to the airport. On the highway, and on city streets because there was construction. About 45 minutes. Learned that nobody in a car or SUV can see your junk. Have to be above you looking down, like a truck or big motor home. Decided any trip locally of 20 minutes or more, going nude. Have had about six opportunities so far. Weather does not matter, turn on the heat in the car. But, sunshine is so nice...aaaah.
- 2 years ago
Did my first nude drive about 4 four weeks ago driving from the Nudist resort as I was at to the airport. On the highway, and on city streets because there was construction. About 45 minutes. Learned that nobody in a car or SUV can see your junk. Have to be above you looking down, like a truck or big motor home. Decided any trip locally of 20 minutes or more, going nude. Have had about six opportunities so far. Weather does not matter, turn on the heat in the car. But, sunshine is so nice...aaaah.
Do you mean that you have driven nude 6 times in the last 4 weeks?
Where did you go?
Where did you dress and undress?
- 2 years ago
My first nude drive with my wife was leaving Euronat nudist resort in France. She was OK with it until we were entering the suburbs of the city od Boardeax when she insisted on my stopping ad dressing, which I did without underwear.
- 2 years ago
The wife and I 9ften take nude evening drives. Through the country side or through town. It is a great feeling being next to people in other cars and then having no clue.
- 2 years ago
True, almost no-one looks and judicious car placement takes care of the rest. Even bus passengers may have their head in their phone these days rather than looking out the window.
- 2 years ago
I've done many nude trips so far, and I guarantee no one can see your junk. Went from California to Yellowstone in the nude and it was awesome. Whenever I have the opportunity, I do it.
- 2 years ago
Done several road trips naked from one end to other and only put on shorts to go in the store. Even going by 18 wheelers and buses few even notice. Never had a real looker but keep waiting. Summer is coming to that time again. And off to the nude park Hippie Hollow on Lake Travis in Austin, Texas (its legal there) possibly Thursday or Friday. Let me know and join me ladies - we'll have a nude time of it. AustinJohn
- 2 years ago
Did the stores allow you in wearing just shorts and no shirt?
Many do not.
- 2 years ago
I usually don't push it on the stores and wear a shirt. Not trying to get kicked out. With my super short shorts if the store clerk is a female she usually see her reaction that I'm poking out the bottom. I do sometimes put my shorts on right as I get out of the car in the parking lot since you have to stand up and someone could possibly catch me then. I had some prior shorts with lots of holes (too many I guess) and had a guy follow me around the store and even complimented me on my shorts and asked to hook up! Since I am straight that didn't do it for me but enjoyed getting the reaction meaning the shorts worked. I hope to have some more adventures this year as the weather warms and already have a new pair of super short shorts ready for the occasion. I also use them at the nude park since you have to be clothed (sorta) in the parking lot where there usually are park rangers. But the minute I'm past the nude sign off with the shorts. I'll get more photos this year as well and hope to have a female nudist partner join to photo. AustinJohn
- 2 years ago
I usually don't push it on the stores and wear a shirt. Not trying to get kicked out. With my super short shorts if the store clerk is a female she usually see her reaction that I'm poking out the bottom. I do sometimes put my shorts on right as I get out of the car in the parking lot since you have to stand up and someone could possibly catch me then. I had some prior shorts with lots of holes (too many I guess) and had a guy follow me around the store and even complimented me on my shorts and asked to hook up! Since I am straight that didn't do it for me but enjoyed getting the reaction meaning the shorts worked. I hope to have some more adventures this year as the weather warms and already have a new pair of super short shorts ready for the occasion. I also use them at the nude park since you have to be clothed (sorta) in the parking lot where there usually are park rangers. But the minute I'm past the nude sign off with the shorts. I'll get more photos this year as well and hope to have a female nudist partner join to photo. AustinJohn
I don't often go into a store without a shirt except when I am near the beach, where it is generally accepted to do so.
I have been asked to leave three times when I was in a store shirtless.
Once was a Home Depot. I already had my purchases in my cart and was in the checkout line. I asked if I could checkout and was told no.
Two were at convenience stores in beach towns, one across the street and the other well away from it but still in the same towm.
On the other hand, once at a combination nursery and farm stand, on a very hot day I got out of my car and started to put on a shirt when the salesperson said I didn't need to wear a shirt in the heat.
Similarly, I put on a shirt while walking from my car to the entrance of a convenience store.
When I went to check out, the cashier said that I didn't need to wear a shirt in that store.
- 2 years ago
Us truck drivers have a great view. Love it.
- 2 years ago