Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

What part of the day do you enjoy the most?

For me, I enjoy most the first hour of the day after I get out of bed. Every part of my body seems to be waking up and an intense feeling of freedom seems to wash over me. It is only after a shower, which has its own joy, and breakfast. that the...

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76 degrees in January!

A warm Southern California winter day. It's a great day to drive naked. Of course, every day is a great day to drive naked!

Naked People Photo Project

Hello, almost 300 people took part in my project, bu we still waiting for new participants! Check this out send your photos if you want :) https://naked-people.blogspot.com/2021/07/naked-people-home-edition_5.html

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500 miles

Tuesday drive back to so cal from norcal. Leave the house, get fueled up, then drop and run. One stop scheduled at 275 MI for more fuel and snacks will need shorts for. Then, again, drop and run. The sun and cool breeze are waiting. Most drives are...

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Nice day for a drive

Had to work on a Sunday so decided to drive home naked

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Big Brother is Voyeuristic

Talk-back radio in Melbourne today discussed the upcoming implementation of overhead cameras to catch people using mobile phones in illegal ways (handheld) while driving. Having done a trial without infringements being issued, they shall roll out...

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by aus_nude 

Just driven naked on Fraser Island Queensland AU - you drive on the Eastern side beach and can go the whole 75 miles naked - stop off and have a naked swim any were - you see people just park and run into the sea naked - fantastic!!

Drove home naked from work today

And I was seen by a trucker! He honked at me and tried to catch up with me! It was kind of exciting!

No problem driving nude!

I drive nude quite often- going from Phoenix to Los Angeles is a frequent trip for me. Ive made a game of it to see what I can challenge myself to do while staying nude. I fill the car with gas, and go in to the restroom at the rest stop - staying...

TUCSON AZ best places to drive nude

Hoping to find some similar kinks who love to drive around the Old Pueblo nekkid!! Where do you think the best places to enjoy nude driving? A Mountain? Skyline Dr?