Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

Gas and rest room stops

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A very few people have mentioned doing this nude.
Has anyone else tried it?
If so, how did it work out?

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RE:Gas and rest room stops

On weekends I like to drive naked. Lately I wear old throw aways I don't want. Once leave my town I strip and throw clothes out window. No option but to not get caught. I have entered freeway and stopped at rest area. No option but to go in naked. A few times I had to wait for everyone to leave so I could go. Nerve raking. But exciting.

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RE:Gas and rest room stops

For the first time I did a nude gas stop at a station while the store was still open. It was about 9:30 last Wednesday at a rural exit off I-95 just south of Brunswick Georgia. I believe it was Dover Bluff Road. The station was just off the exit. I pulled in facing the store and opened the door to block the view of the security camera. I filled the tank and pressed yes for a receipt. It showed "Clerk has receipt on the screen so I decided I did not need it enough to justify wearing clothes. I got in the car and looked in the rear view mirror to see a sheriffs car. I don't think he saw me nude, but it was close. I left the station and kept an eye on him to see if he was going to follow me. He didn't. whew! At another stop, I think it was in South Carolina I pulled into a gas station where the store was closed and started pumping the gas. My windshield had quite a few bugs on it so I looked for a squeegee. There was one a couple of islands over so I walked over to get it when a truck facing me turned the headlights on. I got the squeegee cleaned my windshield then put it back where I found it all this time with the trucks headlights shining on me. The next 2 stops were rather uneventful and the final stop on rt 15 just before the Pennsylvania state line I did my first ever daytime nude gas stop. I positioned the car so no one in the store could see me and Just as I was done, a woman pulled up to the pump on the other side of the island. She got out, saw me nude and thanked me for "Making her day" She said she enjoys seeing nude men. That made me feel real good.

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RE:Gas and rest room stops


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