Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

Driving naked in Houston

I enjoy driving naked here in Houston but am tired of doing it alone. Have several nudist friends but none of them are interested. It may have something to do with that fact that I drive a convertible. Besides driving naked, I have also done some...

Nude in open cars?

I have driven into the Texas country in just a thong without incident. There were a couple of periods of slow traffic but they were uneventful. I don't think I was noticed, or if it was noticed that I wasn't completely nude. I suspect most...

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Vacation naked driving

We live in Wisconsin and are going to Florida in May and will be stopping in Nashville Tennessee and I plan on driving naked the whole trip down and back will post pics

Naked Driving is Fun

I live in the Phx West valley and I love driving naked to and from my nude hikes. I often drive naked to work in the morning also. I find it exciting.

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Does being a passage count

Me and my lady (who is starting to get into nudism) went fishing the other day. Of course we cast our line (didn't catch anything though) had some drinks, food, just enjoyed each others company. When it was time to leave I stripped down and told...

used to drive naked to the club

I used to drive naked to the club about 18 miles away, i would go early in the summer tiime and dash for the gate at the appropriate moment to unlock it

Driving naked to a nude resort/camp.

I always wondered about driving naked to and from a nude place. I started to go to a nude camp. Watching everyone to see how things are. One time, i was lounging on a chair and a truck pulled up. The guy got out quickly, completley naked. I thought,...

Time to take the plunge?

Much of my driving this summer has been in short shorts and nothing else Still feeling confined and overdressed. I guess next summer I should take the plunge and drive nude.


For those of you who have a garage, do you get in the car nude and drive out and return home and drive in? Seems like it would be easier than undressing and dressing in the car. If we ever get enough other stuff out of the garage to get the car in,...

Being nude all day and drive.

I drive nude every chance I can. What inspire me more to drive nude is the nude camp I go to now. I try observe how other people are there. I seen several people just get in their car nude and drive off the grounds. I was talking to one guy for...