Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

Driving naked to a nude resort/camp.

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I always wondered about driving naked to and from a nude place. I started to go to a nude camp. Watching everyone to see how things are. One time, i was lounging on a chair and a truck pulled up. The guy got out quickly, completley naked. I thought, wow he really wanted to get nude. Then the 2 women went to the back and took of their clothes. When they were about to leave, all 3 went back to the truck. They didnt stay long. The guy unlocked the truck and the 2 women got their clothes. The guy didnt get dress, he hopped in the drivers seat. The woman next to him held her clothes in her lap. The other one was tryi g to put her shorts on but the guy told her just to get in. They pulled off and i know they didnt get drrssed at all.
I say, if you have tinted windows and no one can see you in your vehicle, why not leave home naked to spend the day naked at a nude place?

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RE:Driving naked to a nude resort/camp.

Always have a pair of exercise shorts on the seat next to me just in case of an emergency or a bus in the lane next to me - even though my car sits relatively high and has tinted windows, truck drivers and bus passengers get a view

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RE:Driving naked to a nude resort/camp.

Always have a pair of exercise shorts on the seat next to me just in case of an emergency or a bus in the lane next to me - even though my car sits relatively high and has tinted windows, truck drivers and bus passengers get a view

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RE:Driving naked to a nude resort/camp.

Always have a pair of exercise shorts on the seat next to me just in case of an emergency or a bus in the lane next to me - even though my car sits relatively high and has tinted windows, truck drivers and bus passengers get a view
Sit on a towel or other appropriate cloth that is long enough to flip over your genitals. In my experience putting on shorts in that type of situation is too slow and elaborate. It draws attention to you in a way that simply being naked does not.

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RE:Driving naked to a nude resort/camp.

Always have a pair of exercise shorts on the seat next to me just in case of an emergency or a bus in the lane next to me - even though my car sits relatively high and has tinted windows, truck drivers and bus passengers get a view
Sit on a towel or other appropriate cloth that is long enough to flip over your genitals. In my experience putting on shorts in that type of situation is too slow and elaborate. It draws attention to you in a way that simply being naked does not.

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RE:Driving naked to a nude resort/camp.

Always have a pair of exercise shorts on the seat next to me just in case of an emergency or a bus in the lane next to me - even though my car sits relatively high and has tinted windows, truck drivers and bus passengers get a viewSit on a towel or other appropriate cloth that is long enough to flip over your genitals. In my experience putting on shorts in that type of situation is too slow and elaborate. It draws attention to you in a way that simply being naked does not.

I use that approach when driving nude also.

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RE:Driving naked to a nude resort/camp.

I just drape them over my lap if theres a vehicle that can see in - Im more talking about a flat tyre kind of emergency- towels are a touch impractical getting a wheel on and off in my experience

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RE:Driving naked to a nude resort/camp.

I just drape them over my lap if theres a vehicle that can see in - Im more talking about a flat tyre kind of emergency- towels are a touch impractical getting a wheel on and off in my experience

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RE:Driving naked to a nude resort/camp.

That makes practical sense.

I just drape them over my lap if theres a vehicle that can see in - Im more talking about a flat tyre kind of emergency- towels are a touch impractical getting a wheel on and off in my experience

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RE:Driving naked to a nude resort/camp.

I have never draped anything across my lap, even on the one occasion when I was in stationary and slow moving traffic in a town on market day when the pavements (sidewalks in USA) were completely crowded with shoppers who could see into the vehicle.

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RE:Driving naked to a nude resort/camp.

But public nudity is legal in England but illegal in many US states.

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