Driving Naked
For those who enjoy driving in the nude.
City or Highway
Return to DiscussionsI prefer highway. I simply dont feel comfortable driving nude on city streets as traffic stops and goes and you can easily be caught by a pedestrian or a driver next to you at the stop sign. While Ive driven nude a few times on city streets, it probably was 3-4x and the last time I did it was a year or two ago. In all instances it was late at night and it was dark out. Highway driving is what Im most comfortable with.
A few weeks when I was driving through a town centre and was stopped at traffic lights a male I think who was standing on the pavement and I think he saw I was nude and looked that he told a couple he was with that he saw me nude but after that they just carried on standing in front of shop.
Which is your favorite place and why. I do both but I think I prefer the highway since there is not as much stop and go. Stop lights in the city can be rather exciting depending on the time and the traffic. Let me know what you think
Just drove from NW Chicago burbs to Cleveland, 7 hours, nude. Doesn't matter if city or highway. As long as keep close to speed limit.
I drive a full sized SUV so doubt anyone can see me anyway. It has become a norm for me. Cant wait for the drive home Thursday.
Just drove from NW Chicago burbs to Cleveland, 7 hours, nude. Doesn't matter if city or highway. As long as keep close to speed limit.I drive a full sized SUV so doubt anyone can see me anyway. It has become a norm for me. Cant wait for the drive home Thursday.
It is really more comfortable even in cold weather. I drive nude in the winter on long drives once the car warms up. Actually, I find it's easier to maintain even body temp. Enjoy your trip home!
Highways OR country roads. Never city streets. And even then I'm very carefull when passing or during traffic slow downs or on country roads where there's a 4-way stop or traffic lights . The lights aren't so bad, but at the 4-way stops everyone is watching everyone else.