Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

Rest area (no services) stop on nude drive

Recently enjoyed a lengthy drive 4 hours nude. Stopped to eat my lunch at a rest area I knew with no services but there are picnic tables! 4 cars came thru in the half hour I was there. No one even looked in my direction.. the security camera either...

Orient Village St Martin

Just back from a wonderful vacation, was able to be naked pretty much the entire week. Slept nude as always. Got up for sunrise nude walk on Orient beach, the entire length. Left house with flip flops and car keys cell phone. Drove ~5 minutes to...

650km nude road trip

Last week I returned home to Brisbane after being in Sydney for some time assisting my elderly parents. The weather in Sydney was shite and I had planned nude timw on the Sydney clothing optional beaches. Having had no nude time at all while away I...

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Sunday drive nude

I decided to ruin my errands nude today. Only time i put on clothes was to go into Walmart. Dressed after i parked than stripped as soon as i was back in the car. Than through the park abs went through the carwash before get food at Jack In the Box...

Trip to other property up north

We have property north of where we live, we have a camper on it and when we drive up it's about 4.5 hrs. Drive and when ever possible I drive it naked mostly interstate driving but the route goes through Milwaukee and as with any big city you...

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1000 Miles Nude

So last Sunday decided to go see my brother (non-nudist) and drop some stuff off at a mutual friend (also non-nudist). Left at dusk and took a t-shirt off as I left town and didn't put it back on till I had to (to get gas and water). The shirt I...

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My drive home from Columbus WNBR

Saturday evening after riding in the naked bike ride in Columbus and riding nude from the end point to the parking lot where my car was, I loaded up the bike and began the long drive home nude. It was about 10:45PM once I hit the road. The gas tank...

Road trip I65

Headed south through Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee naked as the day I was born! Stopped for dinner and reluctantly dressed. I think there might be less road rage if everyone was driving naked. Alabama - here I come!

Oppressive Heat Wave

It was 102 degrees here in the Deep South today with a heat index of 116. It's just too damn hot for clothes! The only way to find relief was to head for the lake! Running and jumping into the lake was great but, taking a ride on the Kawasaki...