Driving While Nude
this is a group for people who like to drive there car in the nude
Spring Fever has officially set it!
Return to DiscussionsIt's still a bit chilly out, 41*, and winter is by no means over. It's gonna be back down in the 20s tonight.
I had to take a 3 hour drive this morning. 1.5 hours each way. I had a meeting with a luthier about my guitar and it would have been difficult to get dressed upon arriving at the meeting so I opted to stay dressed for the first leg of the drive but for the return trip I was naked before I left his driveway. It was a drive through the PA coal and farm country, mostly 2 lane roads so no real chance of anyone noticing. Although I did get some long looks at an intersection or two. But my first nude drive of the year makes it official Spring Fever is HERE!!!
- 6 years ago
Can't believe I haven't seen any replies and that I haven't added to this post in 3 years.
It's three years later and I find myself nude in the car even more now. I think since the temperatures have risen above 65 about 6 weeks ago I've been nude in my car more than Clothed. It really is a wonderful way to spend your time behind the wheel.
- 3 years ago
I recently saw a black snake. I posted the picture.
I saw it.
- 3 years ago
I recently saw a black snake. I posted the picture.
I saw it.
- 3 years ago