Driving While Nude
this is a group for people who like to drive there car in the nude
Drove 7 hours nude during the day
Return to DiscussionsDrove from Eastern CT to western PA totally nude. Was amazing!!!! Only got dressed for stops.
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- 3 years ago
RE:Drove 7 hours nude during the day
Naked OTR driver. I drive nude all the time in the USA
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- 2 years ago
RE:Drove 7 hours nude during the day
I drove 800 miles to visit my parents. It was almost all interstate roads. I did have to go thru 2 toll booths. Only put on shorts when stopping for gas. Yes it was fun. Then drove back the same way but split it up in 2 days and stayed at hotel. Took a nude swim while at hotel and on the elevator to room.
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- 2 years ago
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