Driving While Nude
this is a group for people who like to drive there car in the nude
Return to DiscussionsWhen you drive naked do you take your shoes and socks off too. I do.
- 12 years ago
When you drive naked do you take your shoes and socks off too. I do.
Always thought naked meant from head to toe,,,,for total enjoyment,,,,
When I'm out four wheeling, I enjoy the total nudist feeling in life,,,,,
- 10 years ago
Yes, my preference is bare-all-over, including feet. But I've heard that there are some old laws in some states that it's illegal to drive barefoot (eg, Ohio, I think). I keep flip flops in the passenger floor well, because I hear of shoes getting wedged between brake pedal and floor and causing crashes. I find that naked driving keeps me more alert, and that includes the sensation of bare foot on pedals.
it is legal to drive barefoot in the u. s.
when i drove, i never covered my feet even if otherwise dressed.
now i bike, and keep them bare for that as well. a lot of people thus stop me and ask if i need footwear!
drive bare from head to toe all!
- 7 months ago