Eagle Scout

Eagle Scouts that are proud to be nudists

Queens Venturers

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In Canada we have high school scouting but it's called venturers. The elite are Queens Venturers and the trials are gruelling. I loved the program and won the award with difficulty. I'd get nude alone camping but never group. I regret that as the sites were incredibly beautiful and I was young and fit and able to really enjoy the rugged terrain...still want to do this nude with others. It's a great way to camp

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RE:Queens Venturers

In the US we have venture scouts for high school kids, boys and girls. I tried starting a group but couldn't get a leader. I stayed in regular boy scouts which had high adventure trips for the older scouts. We had some fun trips canoeing, hiking and sailing. The best ones we did were "friends of scouting" where we did our own thing since BSA has such strict rules, and that was in the 70's. It might have included a quick naked dip or rinse, but no social nude bonding experiences.
Now Scouts is extremely strict and uptight, too much so! I was at a summer camp with my son a couple of years ago and almost was asked to leave because I showered in an empty shower without someone guarding the door. What if a boy had walked in? Even though no one was around? It's set up now for girls to participate, which I think will make it just like being in a public school with no sense of adventure or letting go into nature. Rather, boys will have to kill the spiders and worry about girls will think. Regardless of oreintation, boys need boys and men to become men, and queen venturers sounds like an excellent means to do so.

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RE:Queens Venturers

In the US we have venture scouts for high school kids, boys and girls. I tried starting a group but couldn't get a leader. I stayed in regular boy scouts which had high adventure trips for the older scouts. We had some fun trips canoeing, hiking and sailing. The best ones we did were "friends of scouting" where we did our own thing since BSA has such strict rules, and that was in the 70's. It might have included a quick naked dip or rinse, but no social nude bonding experiences.Now Scouts is extremely strict and uptight, too much so! I was at a summer camp with my son a couple of years ago and almost was asked to leave because I showered in an empty shower without someone guarding the door. What if a boy had walked in? Even though no one was around? It's set up now for girls to participate, which I think will make it just like being in a public school with no sense of adventure or letting go into nature. Rather, boys will have to kill the spiders and worry about girls will think. Regardless of oreintation, boys need boys and men to become men, and queen venturers sounds like an excellent means to do so.

We threw axes, we built barns, we survival, winter and remote camped, climbed mountains, white water rafting three day bike treks, week long canoe treks, and more

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RE:Queens Venturers

I don't have anything great to add other than I'm an Eagle Scout (who would have nearly died of embarassment if I was seen nude at the time. ) Thankfully that changed for me when I hit my late 20s. LOL

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RE:Queens Venturers

I don't have anything great to add other than I'm an Eagle Scout (who would have nearly died of embarassment if I was seen nude at the time. Thankfully that changed for me when I hit my late 20s. LOL

Late 30's...lol

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RE:Queens Venturers

About 15 years ago I hiked to one of my favorite local waterfalls and found a cub or boy scout troop skinny-dipping in the pool below the falls. The boys were all pretty young. The two group leaders were clothed, supervising from the edge. I waved to the adults, watched for a minute, thinking how healthy an experience for those kids. Also how unexpected, given how uptight people are about nudity. I didn't linger there. Later I encountered them on the trail back. They looked tired but happy.

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RE:Queens Venturers

Now any nudity is strictly forbidden in BSA to the point of being unhealthy. We used to skinny dip as well, also with leaders nearby, but that's strictly forbidden now. I guess if the kids did it without knowledge of the adults, no one is liable. BSA is so rigid that they're focused on rules, procedures with little sense of adventure. It's a shadow of what it was when I grew up. That combined with their discriminatory policies makes it look like a doomed organization. I recently got a letter for Eagle Scouts which said "Once an Eagle, always an Eagle" but it feels more like they preach "Once an Eagle, always a homophobe". I asked them to take me off their list.

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