Everyday Naked Living

Requirements to join!! Absolutely "NO" Private, Or "This user only allows picture/video access to friends," Blank or Empty profiles. Must have at least 2 full frontal nude photos including your face. "MUST BE CERTIFIED!"MUST BE CERTIFIED!". For true nudists who want to meet or share with other true nudists!

Who saw you naked last?

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Other than a spouse, who was the last one to see you naked. In my case, it was a neighbor, who watched me cutting the grass in my back yard. As my mower is gas powered, I was concentrating what I was doing. When I finally noticed her, I turned off my mower and walked towards my house to get something to put on. She asked where I was going, as I hadn't finished cutting the grass. She then told me she had watched me before from her window and she was perfectly fine with me walking around my yard nude. She said she wished she had the confidence to do the same. Who knows. maybe one day she will join me for a nude drink. Who saw you naked last?

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

Two nurses in the prep area and a nurse and doctor in the procedure room. I had a colonoscopy a couple months ago. Those stupid gowns they give you wouldn't cover a 12 y.o. kid so I just said, "screw it," and came out with it untied and flying open. The younger nurse commented that she didn't know why the gowns were so small. She kept trying to tie it and I finally said, "I'm fine with it open, unless it bothers you." She replied that she wasn't bothered and she was trying to give me some coverage but if I was okay with it, she wouldn't bother anymore.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

Another nudist friend and the pizza delivery guy.

Answered the door for the pizza delivery guy -- not at my house, so was half hiding behind the door. Asked, "I'm a nudist, does that bother you?" He said, "No. Doesn't bother me. I'm also a nudist." So I just opened the door and stood there nude.

I'm trying to get a local nudist group going for Southwest Missouri etc., and he gave me his contact information.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

Mil the last 2 weeks. Homeless group in an orchard. (Living on someone else's property and got upset I was walking/hiking. Purdon crossing hiking by many, but I was keeping tradition like the sign says.) I was the only one until I talked to a passer by who said she too was a nudist. She freed her top and continued.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

Was nude at my friends house again. Ordered pizza, again. Half hid behind the door, again. Different delivery guy. "I'm a nudist; it that OK."
"Yeah, no problem."
"Opened the door and stood there nude."
He didn't seem to care in the least.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

Our neighbors! We recently had some tree trimming done and it's lessened our privacy but we just continue living as we do. We were on our side yard that borders our next-door neighbor's home. Their shutters on there bedroom window that faces this side of our house, were closed. We were working on a couple of things and when done, the shutters were open. Whoever opened those shutters certainly saw me naked and my wife topless! She said her legs were cold! It was 7:30am. hahaha

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

This morning, I was up making tea and stood naked by the glass doors looking at the view over the fields when a young lady rode past on a horse. Busted !

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

Had a bonfire this past weekend. Way too hot for a bonfire, but we lit it anyway and then stayed a very long way away from it. And it got raging hot -- would have been really nice in the late fall.

Three guys came over and we sat out on the back deck, talked, eat, and drank beer. Very nice time.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

My bartender and a couple bar buddies. This is a daily occurrence so no big deal here in the gay tropics.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

Im currently having massage therapy as part of treatment for a lower back injury. The massage therapist gave me options for dress for the treatment. I was obviously nude & dont understand how he could have effectively massaged some of the areas if someone was wearing any sort of clothing. Ill be nude for my next one, too.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

Been working on my wife's car for the last week in the garage. I've got the garage door open and the man door open because it's been close to 100F here for the last two weeks. Have lots of people in the neighborhood and neighbors out and about. I've provided myself with as much coverage as I can but I'm certain I've been seen naked by passerby's and the neighbors across the street. They are still waving, smiling and say "hi", so I guess they aren't too concerned if they have seen anything! ;DDD

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