Everyday Naked Living

Requirements to join!! Absolutely "NO" Private, Or "This user only allows picture/video access to friends," Blank or Empty profiles. Must have at least 2 full frontal nude photos including your face. "MUST BE CERTIFIED!"MUST BE CERTIFIED!". For true nudists who want to meet or share with other true nudists!

This is a group for nudists

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First and foremost, this is a nudist group for both men and women. The key word is "Nudist" Therefore all members who were previously approved and have now changed their profiles to a blank, empty, private, for friends only, no face pictures or avatars as a profile picture have been or will be removed. The remaining members, all have profiles which fall into the guidelines of the group. Any new members will all so have to meet the same requirements to join our group. If members want to view us as nudists, then the same should apply to them.
I hope the members enjoy the group, and please feel free to post photos or topics to discuss.
P.S. only group members can see the photos posted to the group.
Thank you
miev123 (group moderator)

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RE:This is a group for nudists

Keep up the good work by removing the members who don't comply with the group rules. It makes a better group.

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RE:This is a group for nudists

It's a shame that you have to clarify this. At public nude beaches its very likely that you'll get people turning up to see nudists, its even more likely online. So unless a site is behind a paywall or similar anywhere that images of nudists get shared will attract the voyeurs. There is very little that can be done to keep them out other than constant vigilance by administrators. Some nudists really don't care who sees them naked, they're unashamed and open about being nudists, it certainly makes life easier. But not all nudists can be that way, they have to balance nudism with other parts of life that may well not accept nudism in the same way that active participants do.

If clothing was optional in many more situations this would not be such a problem. Hiding behind paywalls can add to the idea that nudity is wrong, in much the same way that nudists socialising behind walls and fences at clubs can create similar impressions. Openly sharing nudist photos for all to see can help to make it 'normal' to see nude people. As a long time nudist who uses public nude beaches frequently, it feels normal to be naked with friends and strangers, nudists and textiles. I am fortunate in that it doesn't matter who knows that I am a nudist and life is so much easier because of that. I don't care what people think, I can ignore any negative reactions and concentrate on enjoying nudism with like-minded people. I sometimes forget how difficult this can be for some other nudists to do, the reactionary ideas of others about nudism restrict their enjoyment of its freedoms.

If those who have no barriers that stop them being open about their nudism continue to show that nudity is just fine, I still hope that together we can make it easier for all nudists to be their naked selves, openly. In the meantime, sadly, it's a constant battle to keep the unwanted attention away from nudist sites and places. I appreciate your efforts to weed out the fakers, I encounter it constantly elsewhere on here.

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RE:This is a group for nudists

Here's my angle on this, with this site especially.

Though I am listed as a Male and Married, we ARE a nudist couple and have been for over 44 years. I can list all the qualifications and all the pictures to prove it but regardless of certification and picture sharing ... no one really knows who these people are here, on the other side of the computer screen. This site is not what I would call safe. It's far from being perv, voyeur, creep, troll, gawker ... free. I cautiously post pics of my wife and nudes of my wife. I don't need the unwanted friend requests, the unwanted photo comments or the possibility of those images getting out to other sites or be used for a fake profile here. Because of this, I joined as a Male/Married and not a Couple. Di wants no part of online nudism. She's right ... you can be and you can say whatever you want online without responsibility and accountability. She doesn't want any part of that. Just ask all the female members here ... those that are left. Can't tell you how many of them are/were my friends and left because of the male members on this site. These ladies post one nude and the 1000's of male TN members get out of control.

I appreciate what Miev is trying to do here and I do the same but I, personally, put much more credibility toward the content of the member's contributions/posts/topics to the site via the forum and groups. Pictures don't do a lot for me and too many times, male members post dozens of pics of themselves in the same poses. In most cases, it's a pose that ensures his penis is up front and always completely visible.

Yeah ... I get the whole ' we are nudists and we should not be ashamed and proud and not care what others think.". I believe that too but ... I have a wife that participates. I have a wife that loves being a nudist but is still cautious of others in this lifestyle. I have a wife that enjoys doing this with me and living this way with me and want to keep it that way ... so ... if she'd rather I didn't post certain pictures of her, our us, of me ... I respect that. I do anything and everything I can to ensure that my wife will continue to enjoy living this way with me and enjoying social nudism at all cost.

I post pictures in my profile of me/us and other pics I find online that maybe depict our nudist life. I keep those pics "friends only" because that's who I want to share those with ... "my TN friends.". They are my friends because they have taken the time to converse with me via messages and we share common interests. They've contacted me mostly but I have contacted a few and asked for friendship for various reasons, mostly for travel info in their area. It's nice to put a face with the typed message I'm receiving and if they share a picture of them nude or clothed, living life, enjoying their choice of recreation, great! I'm truly more about getting to know that person and not concerned about what they look like naked.

I get it and appreciate being a part of this group but if I don't fit the criteria, I understand I will get deleted. ;-)

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RE:This is a group for nudists

Well said... thank you!

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