Everyday Naked Living

Requirements to join!! Absolutely "NO" Private, Or "This user only allows picture/video access to friends," Blank or Empty profiles. Must have at least 2 full frontal nude photos including your face. "MUST BE CERTIFIED!"MUST BE CERTIFIED!". For true nudists who want to meet or share with other true nudists!

Who saw you naked last?

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Other than a spouse, who was the last one to see you naked. In my case, it was a neighbor, who watched me cutting the grass in my back yard. As my mower is gas powered, I was concentrating what I was doing. When I finally noticed her, I turned off my mower and walked towards my house to get something to put on. She asked where I was going, as I hadn't finished cutting the grass. She then told me she had watched me before from her window and she was perfectly fine with me walking around my yard nude. She said she wished she had the confidence to do the same. Who knows. maybe one day she will join me for a nude drink. Who saw you naked last?

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

Our mail person, accidentally. I was working in the back yard yesterday. Went to get a tool from the garage and there was a package on the back porch, wasnt there 10 minutes earlier! No way they did not see me, dang quiet cars! We have both a lady and young man who swap up, no idea which one, if the lady she has seen me before and said nothing. Oh well, its my yard.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

The people here at the nudist resort.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

About 10 hikers, a resident and two cyclists who saw my friends and I on a day-long nude hike two days ago.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

My new neighbor. I was out mowing my yard yesterday. I live rurally on 20 acres, there is an easement around the property that is used by the two neighbors behind us. We have lived here for the last nine years, have never had our neighbors drive up. I have been caught by a couple of UPS/FEDEX drivers in the past. As I said I was mowing my front yard yesterday and was a distance from the house. Looking up I saw a four wheeler coming down the drive and it turned onto the place I was mowing. It happened quickly and I had no time to cover myself. So I thought oh well he'll get a surprise and I remained sitting nude on my lawn tractor. The young man got out of his four wheeler and approached me. I told him if he had issues with nudity, I would go get my shorts and put them on. He replied that nudity did not bother him and besides I was on my own property. He came near and introduced himself as one of the two neighbors and that he thought it was time to meet the people that provided the easement. So he introduced himself comfortably as did I and we chatted for about ten minutes. We both had served in the military and I sensed that may be the reason he was not affected by my lack of dress. By the end of our conversation I had told him about us and that he was welcome back anytime. He thanked me, and I went back to mowing the yard. It was a nice friendly meeting and though he is not a nudist, I hope we made a new friend.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

A lady I work with. We were sharing stories and I shared with her my naked hotel elevator ride. She didn't believe me, so I sent her the video. I'm naked in the video. She believes me now.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

Probably the neighbor lady across the street! We had returned home from my wife's golf lesson. My wife decided to do a little front yard landscape maintenance while still dressed. I came into the laundry room, stripped and then began doing some things in the garage with the doors open. Cars were still parked inside the garage so there was some shielding. I was taking my tools back and forth from the garage to the work shed and on my way back on one trip, my wife had opened the side gate. The neighbor had backed out of her driveway and stopped to talk to my wife for a minute and I think she saw me and smiled and waved! ;D Life continues to Be Good!

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

A carpenter working on the home on the street behind us about two hour ago.(7/27/19, 10:30 AM Pacific time)
They are adding on to the home but most of the workers are below the view line of our back fence.
I had been watching for a while and had not been able to see any of the workers so felt it was Ok to go into the back yard nude.
I had to move a couple of boxes into the back storage area near where they are working.
As I was caring the second box one of the workers climbed up a ladder to do some work.
He did not look pleased with seeing someone nude. I suspect he may have thought I intentionally went out to be seen.
That was not my intent but neither do I care if someone does see me nude.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

If I exclude the lady next door, a young lady who had come to the door (top half glass) as she had found two rams on the road and had got them off the road with her friend who couldn't see me (but I think she was told I was nude) and had a good look when I put my shorts on as I was facing her. I told her as she was going I don't have cloths on in the summer.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

About 20 others last night at a "dive-in movie". All naked in the pool watching a movie.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

Five guys plus hubby when we visited a local clothing optional resort last night.

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