Everyday Naked Living

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Who saw you naked last?

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Other than a spouse, who was the last one to see you naked. In my case, it was a neighbor, who watched me cutting the grass in my back yard. As my mower is gas powered, I was concentrating what I was doing. When I finally noticed her, I turned off my mower and walked towards my house to get something to put on. She asked where I was going, as I hadn't finished cutting the grass. She then told me she had watched me before from her window and she was perfectly fine with me walking around my yard nude. She said she wished she had the confidence to do the same. Who knows. maybe one day she will join me for a nude drink. Who saw you naked last?

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

A close couple, as we enjoyed our swim spa in our secluded side yard. Everything was perky, as it was in the 30s, as it should be.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

I suspect the neighbor's guests sleeping in the bedroom with the window that overlooks our side yard. We've been taking down the Christmas decorations and getting rid of some things, repackaging others and putting away gifts we've received. I've made several trips out to the trash and recycle cans throughout the day, yesterday.

When it's just our neighbors home alone, the shutters on that particular window are usually open. I think they've seen me/us enough times that it doesn't phase them much anymore. A few days ago, they had a few cars parked in their driveway and they've been entertaining guests over the holiday. The shutters were open and closed and then opened again but after about the 3rd trip to the trash can, they were closed and remained closed the rest of the day. I suspect that whoever was staying in that room had had enough exposure to my nudity! :DDD

Normally, we get a text message that tells us they are having guests staying over for the night or longer. It's their way of telling us that there may be people sleeping in that room and they may see us nude on that side of the yard. We got no such text this time, so either they forgot or don't care anymore.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

My wife. The last of my 3 kids left to go home yesterday so last night was the first time I was able to be naked. Loved my kids being here but also love my nude time.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

I'm thinking my new next door neighbors might have. If I'm home, I'm nude in the house, curtains open during the day, blinds set so you can't easily see in (except for my kitchen window, no blinds on that), curtains closed at night. About six weeks ago I noticed that I could see them at their kitchen sink (only from the waist up), figured they could see me about the same unless I was at the far end of the kitchen (of course I'm nude and they aren't as far as I know), then maybe they could see a bit more. About four weeks ago they put up curtains on their kitchen window and are keeping them closed. I'm thinking that maybe they realized if they can see me I could see them too. lol This may make for an interesting conversation the next time I see them. :)

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

Today December 30 2019 had an x co worker stop by for drinks.maybe a few to many she said she was staying over slept with me no sex.she is a friend me nude her not had naked.morning coffee was me nude her not.she seemed okay with it no comment either way hugged and kissed when she left.a very nice lady 17 years my junior.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

A month ago, I was working in my work shed, mostly straightening and reorganizing odds and ends. I had a t shirt on because it was a cool morning and it was starting to warm up when I heard my named called. It was the pest control guy. We started out with this guy when he was with Teminix. He left that company and went to work for a friend that owned an independent pest control company. He's been our pest control guy for close to 10 years.

I was stuck. I was naked from the waist down, the door was opened and locked in that position. Only way to close it would be to step out and expose him to my bottomless bod. I stood in the doorway while he walked by and was holding up an object to at least cover my penis. Surprisingly, he just stood there and talked to me for about 5 mins before going about his work. I put the object down and as he passed me again, he just said, "I'm going up front now to finish up." I went inside and grabbed a pair of shorts and went out front to talk to him.

Just a few days ago, he showed up again as we were putting all our Christmas decorations away. It was another cool day and the garage was actually cold. I had on a lightweight robe and with all the moving around, it came undone. I usually wear it that way anyway. I seem to be able to take the cold while naked when my shoulders are covered. I was dragging a artificial tree out when I heard my name called again. It was him. He was in the neighborhood and wanted to know if he could service our home that day instead of having to return the next. An unscheduled stop and I was caught 1/2 naked again. Not surprisingly, this time, he stood and talked to me again for several minutes. I did close my robe but it was too late! ;D

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

The last person to see me nude is my wife and son; she's going off today to visit grandkds & he's living with us as he has returned to college after the military. My neighbor may have caught a glimpse as the privacy fence is only about 1/4 finished...still that's about 50 yards away through the trees so I'm most likely safe. We'll keep working on it.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

The last two to see me were giving me an audition, last Wednesday. I started clothed but was soon required to strip naked, on camera.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

The last two to see me were giving me an audition, last Wednesday. I started clothed but was soon required to strip naked, on camera.

What were you auditioning for?

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

Besides my wife, my 76 year old neighbor. I have a private backyard with a 6' fence with an extra 2' of lattice on most of the yard. I've told him in the past if he pops his head over he may see my nude. Last week he was up on a ladder trimming the palm trees and I was back there digging up a sprinkler pipe. I noticed him looking towards me so I waved and so did he, I said I told you a few years ago you may see me in my birthday suit LOL... He laughed and said I remember and it's not the first time I saw you and surly won't be the last

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