Everyday Naked Living

Requirements to join!! Absolutely "NO" Private, Or "This user only allows picture/video access to friends," Blank or Empty profiles. Must have at least 2 full frontal nude photos including your face. "MUST BE CERTIFIED!"MUST BE CERTIFIED!". For true nudists who want to meet or share with other true nudists!

Who saw you naked last?

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Other than a spouse, who was the last one to see you naked. In my case, it was a neighbor, who watched me cutting the grass in my back yard. As my mower is gas powered, I was concentrating what I was doing. When I finally noticed her, I turned off my mower and walked towards my house to get something to put on. She asked where I was going, as I hadn't finished cutting the grass. She then told me she had watched me before from her window and she was perfectly fine with me walking around my yard nude. She said she wished she had the confidence to do the same. Who knows. maybe one day she will join me for a nude drink. Who saw you naked last?

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

Our newest pool kid saw me naked a week ago. I'm certain it wasn't my nude sighting but he up and quit a week later. He was complaining about the work load and that seemed to be the issue with his resignation. This time it was my fault. He came on the usual day but much earlier than normal. Reason it was my fault is because he always sends a text that tells me he's 10 mins out. Since it was much earlier than his normal time, by about 2 hours, I didn't have my cell phone handy to hear the alert.

I came around the corner and so did he. He stopped, looked down below my waist and froze! hahahahaha I said, "sorry! You're here quite early!" He apologized and I walked into the house and slipped on a robe. I came back out and apologized again and he stated it was okay and it was his fault for coming earlier. We talked a bit more and I gave him his weekly tip and he thanked us through the open sliding door. But, about 5 days later, he up and quit.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

Mmm no Andy it wasn't the work load. :D :D :D

Sorry could't hep myself !

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

:DDD... you're funny! ;-)

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

Out for may walk tonight. Stopped by one of the local non housed people to check on him. He had a female friend visiting. Said hello and continued the game they were playing and involved me in the conversation. 15 minutes plus, no problem. Even asked me and the dog to come back during my walks.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

That would be my exwife. (Nudist in Training)

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

My wife but then that's nothing new. Can't wait until they open up the resort I frequent to non-members. I'm due.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

My wife but then that's nothing new. Can't wait until they open up the resort I frequent to non-members. I'm due.

Same here Silver... but as I've said before, if I'm not naked and am able... my wife calls 9-1-1! She says she knows I'm not right in the head if I've got clothes on when I don't have to!! ;DDD

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

Since my last post... not sure who or how many neighborhood walkers got a glimpse of my lower half. I've been doing a long overdue project; painting all interior doors, jams and frames. I'm taking the doors off and painting them in the garage. Both cars are parked on the driveway. There is a slight incline on the driveway to the garage, from the sidewalk.

To get the paint to dry faster, I've been opening the man door to the backyard and opening the garage door slightly to get some cross ventilation and warm breeze we've been having. According to my wife, she said that she got a good view of my penis and butt as I was painting, while she went to get the mail. It's possible that some of the neighbors walking might have caught a glimpse as well. Again... no cops, so either they didn't see or they didn't care. By the way... the garage door is now lowered a little more to ensure I'm not exposing anyone intentionally.

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

. I'm taking the doors off and painting them in the garage. .

Brush, roller or spraying? Or some of each?

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RE:Who saw you naked last?

I thought I was shielded by the car and doors and these ladies wouldn't see much. I kept the bags at a height to camo my penis but when they both waved, I lifted one bag to wave back, at which they both laughed and clapped! Of course, I had to now get back into the house so instead of walking backwards, I just turned and gave them a backside view. My wife just shook her head and she said when she turned around to look at the women, they both gave her a thumbs up!!!

You made my day Andy! :)

Wish I had neighbors like that, it'd make it so much easier to enjoy my yard and get projects done.

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