Everyday Naked Living

Requirements to join!! Absolutely "NO" Private, Or "This user only allows picture/video access to friends," Blank or Empty profiles. Must have at least 2 full frontal nude photos including your face. "MUST BE CERTIFIED!"MUST BE CERTIFIED!". For true nudists who want to meet or share with other true nudists!

Loved it so much i retired early

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Hi .the nudist bug bite me when i was about 10 . So have been at this many years . Living in Canada you only get to do this maybe 5 months a yr but one needs to live and work somewhere . But by the age of 53 i could not take it anymore so i made sale and moved to Panama . Now with my little 5 acre place everyday all day is a nude day .well except when i have to go to town .its bee 10 yrs now and i still love every minute of it .and the 84 degree ocean feels so good also . Even cutting grass is fun now

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RE:Loved it so much i retired early

Ahhh yes! Retirement and being able to be naked everyday, all day and whenever you want!

I retired earlier than some are able. Being a firefighter, the work took it's toll on my body. It's a young man's/woman's job and at 56, I'd come to a fork in the road; retire or find some very quiet, very inactive fire house to work the remaining 3-4 years. Not liking to work those slow stations, I took retirement and don't regret it one minute!

There were weeks that I NEVER put on a thing! From Sunday of that week til Friday of the next week ... I would and could be naked that entire time. My wife chose to continue working for another 5 years. If I wasn't naked at home, I was at the club or the beach. It was the greatest feeling to be naked for those long periods of time. Got to the point that I'd get upset if I had to slip on clothes and go out! hahaha

But once my wife retired, we got busy again. We still can spend days naked and not needed to go out but then we are bombarded with various commitments where we need to get dressed and go out. But we love those times when we can just stay naked and stay home and enjoy our naked retired life!

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