Exhibitionist Nudist
This is a group for nudist people who love being a exhibitionist as well. Love being seen in a non nudist environment nude. A place to tell your tales about it.
Exhibitionist before nudist
Return to DiscussionsI wonder how many went this route? I use to love the shock and expression from family and friends years ago. Now I just do the nude because its just nude. Not worried if Im seen or not. Maybe nudity is more common now?
- 7 months ago
We went same track n still love exhib
- 4 months ago
I'm not entirely sure what came first for me; nudity or exhibitionism but now my primary desire to be naked is to satisfy my exhibitionist tendencies and I think I know this because if I go somewhere to be naked, and a beach is a good example, I'm disappointed if there aren't other people around [and it does happen].
I love to be seen naked and is probably the main reason that I am completely smooth all over as it makes me feel more naked but also I think I look more naked as there is nothing hidden as it were. And over the years I've had a few piercings here and there, including both nipples, and a ring at the base of my cock, all of which attract attention which is something that I really enjoy when I'm walking around nude.
Over the past few years I've started to walk naked, and that's totally nude without even carrying any clothes with me, in the countryside [although I'm careful where] and occasionally I have encountered other walkers which has been incredibly exciting.
- 4 months ago
I think that I could say a similar thing about myself; nowadays I'm not as worried about either being seen naked or worried about people [who know me] knowing that I enjoy nudity. I'm definitely an outdoor nudist and over the past few years I will be naked in places, mostly in the countryside, and be naked without really caring if I'm seen although as an exhibitionist I think it means that I am enjoying being seen more than I did when I was younger. I wish I'd discovered this bravery when I was in my teens. I used to occasionally go naked outdoors from about 13 but it was a very secret thing to do and was so for many years.
- 4 months ago
Being naked in a public place is enjoyable for an exhibitionist but unlike a lot of folks I don't really have the nerve to do it in public as in walking through a town or village in broad daylight when there are hundreds of people around. Having said that there is a nudist village in the Canary Islands where I have parked the hire car, gotten undressed and left mall of my clothes inside, and then set off naked though the town and to the coast. I spent about 5 hours nude, mostly on the coastline, and enjoyed every moment of it especially as there were plenty of people who saw me, but of course I wasn't the only naked person. I even stopped to masturbate, which to do whilst naked and in quite a public place was amazing [ and there were a few people who could see me] and then afterwards to not ne able to get dressed [because I didnt have any clothes with me] made it very edgy.
- 4 months ago
Oh I remember when I was in my teens and wanted to be naked. I go out the front door at night and feel how good the night air felt. But then I wanted to walk around on the street, which I started to do. But I was so scared of the neighbors telling my parents.
Now its a different story ! I have been nude hiking and finding a spot to enjoy myself at. Stroking and having other people come walking up and seeing me was so much fun. But then they were naked also !
- 3 months ago
I would say my exhibitionistic tendencies definitely preceded my nudist interests. I would say that the exhibitionist side still trumps the nudist side. I would never consider myself an asexual nudist. There is absolutely a sexual component to nudism. For everybody in my opinion. Even though many deny it.
- 3 months ago
I'd consider myself nudist first, but don't mind being seen by others. I'm not intending to shock so try to be a bit discrete, but it is fun to take a few risks now and then.
- 3 months ago
I have had nudist tendencies since I was a teenager [at least] and by the time I was 17 I'd go to the coast, and nearby nudist beach, to enjoy the feeling of the breeze on me, but back then I was still quite shy about being seen which, as I was still young, did mean that I go a lot more attention than I probably do today.
But as I became older I started to realise that I was an exhibitionist and began to deliberately make sure that I could be seen naked and I enjoyed doing so. It gave me a sexual thrill.
Nowadays I'm totally smooth and have one or two piercings, including both nipples, all of which help attract attention which is as an exhibitionist is good.
Over the years my pleasures and boundaries have progressed and I will occasionally wear a leather collar at the beach, or other places when I'm naked, and sometimes even chains attached to my nipples.....this is the progression of my exhibitionism and I suspect that it is something we all do. I will also masturbate openly on the beach but only after carefully assessing who can see me; I won't do it in front of someone without permission but it is surprising just how many people, both men and women, are happy to watch. I've given and recieved hand jobs at various beaches over the years, and whilst totally naked and is, I suppose another level of exhibitionism in my journey which has also included allowing strangers to take nude pictures of me, walking naked and openly in the countryside, and allowing myself to be seen naked by a few friends, bothm male and female.
Exhibitionism has been a journey for me over many years made pleasureable as I'm lucky to have a good body and well endowed and happy to share it with anyone who would like to enjoy it.
I'm still on that hedonistic journey and have recently discovered BDSM, helped I should add by a female friend who has encouraged me [including with being an exhibitionist] and helped by suggesting things to do in public that became particularly fun when I knew that she was watching me.
Nudity has so many facets one of which is sexual pleasure and I'm able to admit that it is probably that pleasure that drives my nudism.
- 3 months ago