Exploring The Woods Naked

Many of us have separated ourselves, at least once, from the movements and sounds and comings and goings of community life- and have done so naked in untouched nature. Whether it be hiking, swimming in a creek, climbing trees or whatever- share your experiences in the woods and forest while naked. I'll take a ceiling of trees over the ceiling of a building on any sunny day!

Philadephia area nude hiking

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I have a fetish for nude hiking. Not barefoot mind you because my feet are not calloused enough to withstand the abuse but otherwise clothing unencumbered. To paraphrase what many others have said, I like the feeling as the sun and wind caresses my skin in warmer weather and the resulting feeling of being one with nature. When that hike is a clandestine venture where the lack of clothing is not acceptable, the chances of being caught in an illegal act can be a large detraction from that serene feeling.

I participated in the Bouncing Buns 7K trail run at Sunny Rest in Palmerton, PA in 2018. Walk Dont Run, The Ventures ca 1960 - diagnosed with lung cancer and emphysema, I did exactly that and came in within 5 entrants of placing last. ( BB will be a 5K road run this year (2020) because of the loss of access to acreage hosting some of the trails.) I typically get to Gunnison Beach on Sandy Hook in New Jersey after they open up the Southern end of the beach in mid-August because of the nesting habits of the piping plovers. I find Gunnison to be much more inviting when they allow visitors to use 100% of their beachfront property.

These restrictions leave limited opportunity to fulfill my fetish. Can anyone offer any suggestions within 100 miles or a few hours of The Philadelphia PA area? Any input would be most appreciated.

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Philadephia area nude hiking

The Zen of Solo Naturist hikes is unimpeachable, but I bet You might also thoroughly enjoy strolling through GiGi/Golden Gate Park with Hundreds of others irrepressible Nudists ( among thousands more fit active FUNists ) for #Bare2Breakers/#Bay2Breakers Nudist double header Weekenders #WNBRsf2024 warmup Ride&AfterParty Saturday 18 May & Sunday 19 May ) : https://youtu.be/5CJpQFm_yg4?feature=shared .

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  • a year ago