Facebook Nudists
Members of TrueNudists who have active profiles on Facebook.
I am looking for couples and ladies to join me on Facebook. Check out my profile here and on Facebook " Dusty Rider". Let me know you are from TrueNudists when you write me on Facebook. Thanks. Dusty
Here is the link to my facebook page, please feel free to add me as a friend there, just let me know you're truenudists, Thanks!! https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000230537412
I still have an active profile on Facebook, but only a general one because Facebook is a medieval organization and deletes all profiles including naked pics. I gave away the idea to have a nudist profile on Facebook when I discovered Truenudists and...
I would love to meet a couples, men, women to meet at their home where we could hang nude. feel free to contact me on my TN page and I'll give you my facebook info.
Hello, I have a facebook account for all my nudist friends, please add me if you are interestet:Harry Treichl see you Harry
On FB I'm Joseph Leven (please mention TN) on skype I'm Grimmbear