
This is a group for nudists who are able to realize who on here is a fake. Fakes are, for the most part, easy to spot. They usually have enormous friend lists. They never acknowledge or return a message or a post for them. They join lots of groups as to get even more access to more friend requests. Many of them use fake pics or, when they use their own pics, they are never nude. So, if someone...


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Pretends to be Sarah Alexandra from Frankfurt and now living in Berlin, but:
- Pictures from Sofia Vergara.
- Phone number from the U.K.
- No knowledge of German language, doesn't understand easy questions.
- Doesn't have even a cover story (explanation) for all that.
What a stupid idea when you need an emotional bond (as a prerequite for s successful scam) with a native speaker who shows Frankfurt in his profile! Performance = zero of five stars.

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