This is a group for nudists who are able to realize who on here is a fake. Fakes are, for the most part, easy to spot. They usually have enormous friend lists. They never acknowledge or return a message or a post for them. They join lots of groups as to get even more access to more friend requests. Many of them use fake pics or, when they use their own pics, they are never nude. So, if someone...
Return to DiscussionsShe downloaded four photos from four different women and says, that she is since 15 years a nudist, but have never visited a naked beach. She prefers to visit nudist resorts. Actually she lives in Los Angeles, but comes originally from Hamburg in Germany. She is a fake, liar, swindler and perhaps a love-scammer.
Yes I had one telling me that we lived in the same town, just didn't say that where the same town was at ! Then traded picture to them ask for FB profile saying that her other chat site stop work. Then I get a note from her or him, saying that they'll send. All our chats and pictures to all our family and friends .showing the list for a bribery if me don't want them to send off. I just tell them that go ahead they all ready know that I'm a nudist. So that see my picture they'll test me or call asking if I sent them. I just say I got hacked. No biggie.