This group is for people who like older movies....some classics, some REALLY bad old ones....but movies that were made before many of our members were found on TCM and AMC

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I have met many people on this site who appreciate old movies so I decided to investigate interest in the topic. My favorite movies have been "Gone With Wind" and "The Sound of Music" for decades....even though both are only based on history. Many old movies were far more story and character based than yoday. I would MUCH rather watch "Rebecca" with its shades of suspense and innuendo than Hostel and the old horror moveis made my mind nervous, not my stomach. Come to think of it, HItchcock was one of the scariest directors EVER! then again, once you get to my age, "ET" is considered old!

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RE: old movies...

wow! do i even have a short list? i like so many, that might be really difficult. give me a bit to think about that and i'll get back to you, Mike! (nice meeting you, too!)

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RE: Opening message

One of my favorite series is the "Road" movies with Bob Hope and Bing
Crosby. Of course, my favorite in all of these movies was Dorthy
Lamour. Can anyone blame me? Like several others here, I am constantly
tuning in to TCM. In fact I'm watching A Dog From Flanders as I type

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RE: Opening message

My favorite old movie is probably All Quiet on the Western Front from 1930, although it seems like whenever I watch TCM I discover a new treasure. I greatly enjoyed the 1922 version of Ben-Hur. The battle scenes were astonishing, and there was even a little nudity.

I don't know what time period we're defining as "old," but my favorite film of all time is the 1967 Bedazzled. It is so much better than the version made in 2000. It seems like remakes are almost never as good as the original, even with the advantages of advanced technology.

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RE: Opening message

Whenever I see a remake of a classic, I am inspired to seek the original. Offhand, I cannot think of a remake that improved the original.

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RE: Opening message

Great idea for a group :) I am a huge TCM fan
Interesting that you mention Dam Busters Rabbit, it seems to be a pretty rare one, and I thought it was very interesting too.
One remake that improved the original in my opinion is An Affair to Remember ('58) as a remake of Love Affair (about '39) if that counts : )

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RE: Opening message

Whenever I see a remake of a classic, I am inspired to seek the original. Offhand, I cannot think of a remake that improved the original.
Not only is the movie Airplane! more fun than Zero Hour!, the film it was based on; having seen Airplane! actually transforms the experience of watching the earlier movie and makes it more entertaining.

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RE: 1922 Ben Hur

Amazed by the chariot race equally as exciting as the latter version and suprised to find some nudity and short scene in color.

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