Father And Son Nude Bonding

Fathers and Sons who have either been naked with each other or Fathers and/or Sons who have wanted to have that kind of relationship. This is a group for discussions concerning both.

Why are the words m-o-m and d-a-d showing as "removed" and it doesn't even have to be just those words, anything that had those three letters, for instance "Trinidad" or "moment"

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Obvious, people want to talk about being "raised" nude. Giant red flag.........

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Obvious, people want to talk about being "raised" nude. Giant red flag.........

But then what else are we supposed to do besides 'raise' a flag?

Aside from poor punsy comments, here's the post that explains what TN is attempting to do with this censoring tactic:


I do understand their desire to make an effort due to the pressure from their merchants. It nibbles at the 1st amendment (USA), as do many things in our lives put in place to protect us and ours. Concessions are made and accepted to maintain a more civil society.

I think it's still legal to shout out "MOVIE" in a crowded firehouse, isn't it?

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the problem is that tn is not explaining what they're doing and deleting any comments or questions related to it.

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True nudists stinks and they do not know what they are doing.

There is no reason to do any of this.

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This is silly. If the moderators have an issue with the topic, why don't they just remove the group and clarify their Terms and Conditions?

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In fact, there are many posts and related topics in here regarding the censorship issues, including teamtrue2 direct offerings, for example:


Some things may be getting deleted but there is lots of talk about the rather comical (if it wasn't an affront) attempts to clean up this joint.

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