Fitness Females

body builders triathlons all sportis swimming those who love to do sports, preferable nude

Although not a woman

Although not a woman, my wife who is not a nudist used to be a fitness instructor and because of that at 72 she looks younger than me as I am 57. I love a fit woman body I find it to he a work of art. God created us all nude, but those that choose...

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Although I'm not a woman, but as a lifelong fitness enthusiast and a former gym owner I always loved and appreciated any woman who took the time and trouble to transform and maintain a strong and fit body.

Honesty friendship

I am nudist from Bhopal Madhya Pradesh state. I have been in this lifestyle for a long time since 1990 at the age of 14 and have also met naturist friends from India and abroad. I'm looking to connect with other nudists around Madhya Pradesh and...

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Honesty friendship

I am nudist from Bhopal Madhya Pradesh state. I have been in this lifestyle for a long time since 1990 at the age of 14 and have also met naturist friends from India and abroad. I'm looking to connect with other nudists around Madhya Pradesh and...

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Travel friend

Who is on our friend list. Those people please contact me in telegram, when in friend list they should be in direct contact. my telegram id is

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