FKK In Germany
"free-body-culture" is the exact translation of the German word Freikrperkultur (fkk). It is the commonly used word for nudism in Germany and practised by all kinds of people especially at beaches.
Visiting Germany - Besuch in Deutschland
Return to DiscussionsI hope my translation into German below is correct.I am visiting Germany in June for a week or two and I'm looking for assistance in deciding where to go - the best places visit and be nude - the best places to stay and be nude - and the best places for a gay male to go to (nude would be great but not necessary).Thank you in advance for any suggestions.
Ich hoffe, meine bersetzung ins Deutsche korrekt sind .
Ich besuche Deutschland im Juni fr eine Woche oder zwei , und ich bin auf der Suche nach Hilfe bei der Entscheidung, wo zu gehen auf - die besten Pltze zu besuchen und sein nude - die besten Pltze zu bleiben und nackt - und die besten Adressen fr ein Homosexuell mnnlichen zu gehen Sie zu ( nackt wre toll, aber nicht notwendig ) .
Vielen Dank im Voraus fr Ihre Anregungen .
Thinking of staying in Cologne from 5-9 June then Berlin until 12 June then finally Hamburg until Monday 15 June.
Any ideas on accommodation and where to go would be most helpful
Thanks in advance- private messages are welcomed
Freinsenplatz is my favorite area in Cologne man. Close to the city center, lots of pubs, restaurants. I've been to Germany twice and Cologne is by far my favorite city there! Going back this September. Claudias Therma is a great nudist sauna, coed right near the river.