Florida Nude Boating

for nudists who like to go out on the water. kayaking, canoeing, pontooning, fishing, skiing any activity that requires a boat

Key West to dry tortugas trip

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Okay ya'll. Putting some feelers out! I'm potentially planning a sailing trip from key west to the dry tortugas islands.

My idea is a 4 day trip (plus or minus). This would not be a commercial trip or enterprise. just me renting the boat and sharing the cost with whoever commits to going. I have a descent amount of sailing experience, mostly the virgin islands and florida. I'm NOT a commercial licensed captain. So, you'll sign some sort of "don't sue me, it wasn't my fault disclaimer"
So,. those disclaimers aside; I am interested in setting up a nudist fun trip, with snorkeling, probably diving (if there's enough (2) certified divers).
Be aware, it's 70 miles one way. which at sailboat speeds will probably be all day, maybe even some night sailing. Everyone doing their share: helping making food, drinks and having fun.
I don't have dates yet, but I'm thinking next month. (May, maybe June: truly before summer, (thunderstorm season starts).
I feel comfortable doing different scenarios: mixed nudist trip or guys trip only ( or girls trip only if you excuse me presence lol).
Price would depend a bit on the amount of people that commit to the trip; whether or not you are willing to share a cabin etc.

So let me paint a picture to explain: most charter yachts in this size range have 3 - 4 cabins. A cabin has a double size bed. On bigger boats, (catamarans) often each cabin has its own bath (no tub, just a shower. the tub is outside and its really big!!) There is limited amount of fresh water, so showers are short. (really short). Unless you take the tub outside. stay as long as you like!.
There will be a galley (kitchen area) to prepare meals and a descent size fridge and freezer. I figure a stop at costco on the way to the boat to get supplies to last the trip.

Most these boats are about $600 - $1200 a day. But remember, when you split that with 4 - 10 people, that's not that bad at all for what you are getting and the experience. As a matter of fact, the more people, the bigger the boat and cheaper it becomes and the better the experience. ( A bigger boat is more stable and has more room to hang out etc).
So besides the rental cost of the boat, there is a shared cost of food and yes Drinks for the trip. My guess, really a guess; would be roughballing it about $350- $450 per day per cabin. (incl food and drinks etc). so if you share a cabin either with your companion or stranger (danger), that could be half. Price depends a lot on the age of the boat (think quality and amenities).(flushing toilets or hauling buckets over the side lol)

So let me re-cap. Just trying to find out if there is any interest at this moment. This will be a NO MASK, NO CLOTHES trip. I would appreciate (and so would your fellow crew) a negative covid test or vaccine. But I ain't mandating that. I will put you to work on this trip, (steering the boat, hoisting sails, catching mooring balls, pouring drinks, pouring more drinks, cooking dinner, washing dishes or if you can't do any of that;... walk the damn plank!!).

well, that's all I can think off at this moment. Let me know if you are interested. (either for this trip or a future one).
I would appreciate any comments, suggestions etc. But hold your complaints until after the trip.


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