Florida Nudists

This group is for all nudists in Florida to meet and share information on their lives, loves, and happiness.

Do folks meet in person?

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Please share some of your in person meetings and how they went.

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RE:Do folks meet in person?

Please share some of your in person meetings and how they went.

Thank you for asking the question. I joined this site in the hopes of experiencing social nudity. While I have connected with very nice people all over the world, I haven't met many local. Coincidentally, Thursday, I'm tentatively meeting another TN member for a massage exchange.

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RE:Do folks meet in person?

I'd been talking to a guy that I met at a spa, who I knew from this site. We decided to meet for a nude hike. Met, walked into the woods and stripped, taking turns leading. We crossed a stream and decided to splash around. A clothed woman came by before any more happened.

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RE:Do folks meet in person?

Occasionally but not often for me.

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RE:Do folks meet in person?

Yes, there's a group of freehikers that meets a few times per season. I have met a total of three other people individually in the 12+ years I have been here (was here, left, and rejoined 7 years ago) - all positive experiences.

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RE:Do folks meet in person?

Well, since we moved away from Phoenix. I have about 20 people in the area that are Nudist. Only about three or four that are on True Nudist. And yeah, Ive met everyone pretty much either, they came over to my house, or we went to the resort in Tucson.

Yes, a couple of them have been very good friends now. One we go and get a Brazilian wax together in Tucson. And the other one is a member of the resort and we go there four times now this year. Another friend is going through some problems. But hopefully he works that out.

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RE:Do folks meet in person?

There was a group that met at Gunnison in the summer and at a member's home in the off season.
However, the organizer left TN and the meetings ended.

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