Florida Nudists

This group is for all nudists in Florida to meet and share information on their lives, loves, and happiness.

Anyone in NW FLORIDA (Pensacola) & Surrounding areas?

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Hi, new to this site (and group), so wanted to say Hi and see if there are any other REAL nudist in the NW FL. and Surrounding area. Let's chat/meet. Thanks.......................

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RE: Anyone in NW FLORIDA (Pensacola) & Surrounding areas?

Hi.I am also new to NW Fl. Would love to find some nude friends and places I can go to!

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RE: Anyone in NW FLORIDA (Pensacola) & Surrounding areas?

Need something to do this weekend, otherwise it's house work.

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RE: Anyone in NW FLORIDA (Pensacola) & Surrounding areas?

I read yesterday that somebody, a number of months ago, suggested
we start a non-landed group for this area. I'm fully in favor of
this idea. I think that we have more in this area than get online;
especially in my neighborhood. We need to do something before the
cold weather sets in. This would be an excellent time for a meet
& greet organizing meeting. If my hot tub was functional (and
the place wasn't trashed) I'd suggest it.
Those interested, check in and if you have the accommodations and
willing, suggest a place to meet and greet.
You can use my address as a POC, or 'sportsdude', he's willing to take or give info. If enough interest, we'll start another group.
BTW typo's ae not my fault, it's this shitty keyboard.

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RE: Anyone in NW FLORIDA (Pensacola) & Surrounding areas?

Hello i am all the way down in Hudson

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RE: Anyone in NW FLORIDA (Pensacola) & Surrounding areas?

Check out the Halloween party in Huson, on the 31st. Unless you know of one clooser. There's a lot of us from around here that want to get together. This would be the perfect time. Contact me or 'sportsdude' and maybe we can set something up. Lots of us want to get together, but no one's willing to go out of their way.

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RE: Anyone in NW FLORIDA (Pensacola) & Surrounding areas?

NW Floridians, contact myself or 'sportsdude'. We are trying to put something together to benifit all. Winter and the holidays are coming up, and I for one, don't want to spend another holiday season alone. I'm sure that there are many of you out there that feel the same way. So get off your crying butts, yes, I was one, and email one of us

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RE: Anyone in NW FLORIDA (Pensacola) & Surrounding areas?

Been looking for some nude Budd in the area. Let me know.

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RE: Anyone in NW FLORIDA (Pensacola) & Surrounding areas?

What you got so far?

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RE: Anyone in NW FLORIDA (Pensacola) & Surrounding areas?

Hang tight, (notice I didn't say blue) guys. I'm working with another member to a) set up a Non-landed Travel Group for NW Florida and b) in the interim, we're talking 'Man Cave' issues.
Now that I have your attention, if anyone has any experience with this type of thing and would like to offer assistance... I'm flying blind here. But I know that we have people in the NW Florida area that would rather socialise closer to home; with the holidays around the corner, personally I don't want to spend them alone again this year.
So, I've asked for volunteers, I've already communicated with a handful of you, but if I haven't don't hesitate to 'friend' me and shoot me a message with whatever contact info you wish to provide AND if you have any ideas you would like to pass on, I could use all the help I can get.
Summer's over but it would be nice to have something to look forward to while we're waiting for the sun to come back.
Stay nude, and if you can't think nude, naturally Jim

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