Florida Panhandle Nudists

**Note: Read the rules **A place for nudists (couples, females & males) who enjoy being nude in the Florida panhandle, to get to know one another and to enjoy sharing those times through stories and photos. It doesn't matter if you're on the beach, at the house or out in the woods...it's all about enjoying this beautiful area. We want this to be all inclusive and clean. Please keep...

Can you see me now?

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I have to guess that everyone remembers the old Verizon commercial about phone reception; I have a slight takeoff on it from a day or so ago. My neighbor down the hill needed to borrow a tool and came up to our fence line in the woods as he had heard me working in the back. I was nude while scooping the pool & blowing off the deck and did not hear him initially. I was startled for a moment as he was only about 75 feet away but was on the wooded side of the property. I could barely make him out but called back to him that I needed to put on my shoes & ran inside for a pair of shorts & shoes before heading over. We chatted for a moment & I loaned him my extra large Channellocks for his project. He didnt say a thing about me being nude so the brush cover works! Nice to know it passes the test.

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RE:Can you see me now?

He didnt say a thing about me being nude so the brush cover works!
Either that or he wasn't bothered enough to think it was even worth mentioning. I don't think I've ever been spotted by my neighbor but I can't know that for sure. She doesn't seem to be the type to be fazed by it. Especially since I've made a reasonable attempt at privacy. But she's never mentioned anything about it over the years.

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